The general synopsis for UK
At 030000UTC, low 60 north 29 west 995 expected 68 north 16 west 989 by 040000UTC. Low 62 north 39 west 980 expected 64 north 37 west 980 by same time. Low 42 north 54 west 1009 expected 52 north 33 west 987 by that time. at 030000UTC, high 62 north 05 west 1023 1023 expected 61 north 12 east 1027 by 040000UTC.
Issued at: .
For the period to .
High seas forecast and storm warnings map
- Wind
- Cyclonic 4 to 6.
- Sea state
- Moderate or rough.
- Weather
- Rain.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally moderate.
- Wind
- Cyclonic 4 to 6, becoming south 5 to 7 later.
- Sea state
- Moderate or rough.
- Weather
- Rain.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
- Wind
- South or southeast 6 to gale 8, veering west or southwest 4 to 6 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Rain.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
- Wind
- South or southeast 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9, veering west or southwest 4 to 6 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Rain.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
- Wind
- Variable 2 to 4, becoming southeast 6 to gale 8, then cyclonic 4 to 6 later.
- Sea state
- Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough until later.
- Weather
- Occasional rain.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
Southeast Iceland
- Wind
- Southeasterly 7 to severe gale 9, veering southwesterly 4 to 6 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Rain then wintry showers.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
East Northern Section
- Wind
- Cyclonic 5 to 7, occasionally 8 for a time, becoming variable 2 to 4 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Snow or snow showers.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor.
In north
- Wind
- Westerly or southwesterly 5 to 7, becoming cyclonic 7 to severe gale 9 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Wintry showers, rain later.
- Visibility
- Moderate or good, occasionally poor until later.
West Northern Section
- Wind
- Cyclonic 6 to gale 8, increasing severe gale 9 for a time.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough, occasionally high until later in northwest.
- Weather
- Snow or showers.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally poor or very poor.
In north
- Wind
- Westerly or southwesterly, 6 to gale 8, becoming variable 2 to 4 later, then cyclonic 6 to gale 8 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Wintry showers, rain later.
- Visibility
- Moderate or good, occasionally poor until later.
In south
East Central Section
- Wind
- Westerly or northwesterly 4 to 6, but variable 2 to 4 for a time in south, becoming cyclonic, mainly southwesterly, 7 to severe gale 9 later.
- Sea state
- Rough, occasionally very rough later.
- Weather
- Rain later.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally moderate or poor later.
West Central Section
- Wind
- Cyclonic 4 to 6, increasing 6 to gale 8 later.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Occasional rain.
- Visibility
- Moderate or good, occasionally poor.
Denmark Strait
- Wind
- Cyclonic, mainly northeasterly, 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 within 50 miles of greenland coast.
- Sea state
- Rough or very rough.
- Weather
- Snow or showers.
- Visibility
- Moderate or good, occasionally poor or very poor. Occasional moderate or severe icing along ice edge with temperatures ms04 to ms07.
North Iceland
- Wind
- Southerly or southeasterly, 4 to 6, occasionally 7 in south, becoming cyclonic 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale force 9 later in far west.
- Sea state
- Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough later.
- Weather
- Rain and snow.
- Visibility
- Moderate or good, occasionally poor or very poor. Occasional moderate or severe icing along ice edge with temperatures ms04 to ms07.
Norwegian Basin
- Wind
- Variable 2 to 4, becoming southerly 5 to 7, then cyclonic 6 to gale 8 later, occasionally severe gale 9 later.
- Sea state
- Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough later.
- Weather
- Occasional rain later.
- Visibility
- Good, occasionally moderate or poor later.
Outlook for following 24 hours
Storm force 10 expected in Bailey, Faeroes, East Northern Section, East Central Section, Denmark Strait and Norwegian Basin. Severe gales expected in Rockall, Southeast Iceland, West Central Section, north Iceland. Gales expected in West Northern Section.
Unscheduled storm warnings are broadcast via Safetynet and in bulletin WONT54 EGRR available via some internet and ftpmail outlets
The high seas forecast information
High seas forecasts are issued twice daily at 0930 and 2130 GMT and cover the next 24 hours and outlooks for the following 24 hours.
The part of the North Atlantic known as Metarea I is divided into twelve sea areas, six of which are also in the Shipping forecast.
The high seas forecast contains a general synopsis and sea-area forecasts containing forecast wind direction and force, weather and visibility for the next 24 hours with an outlook for the following 24 hours.
Marine forecasts disclaimer
In the UK, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for the provision of Maritime Safety Information (MSI) to ships at sea, which includes the broadcast of warnings and forecasts. The Met Office initiates warnings and prepares routine forecasts for dissemination on behalf of the MCA.
Caution: The internet is not part of the Maritime Safety Information system and should never be relied upon as the only means to obtain the latest forecast and warning information. Access to the service may be interrupted or delayed from time to time, updates may also be delayed.
Please refer to GMDSS services, INMARSAT SafetyNET or international NAVTEX for the latest information. When using these web pages, always check that the page on your screen is not from your cache. Use the Refresh or Reload button if in any doubt.