Zhalgyztobe (Kazakhstan) last 24 hours weather


Monday (13 January 2025)

09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Weather symbol Sunny day Clear night Clear night Clear night Clear night
Temperature in degrees Celsius
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
N 0
N 0
S 9
S 18
SSE 13
Wind gust in miles per hour
Visibility E
Humidity 57% 72% 72% 77% 78%
Pressure in hectopascals 1,038 1,039 1,040 1,041 1,041

Tuesday (14 January 2025)

00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00
Weather symbol Clear night Sunny day Sunny day Sunny day Clear night Clear night Clear night Clear night
Temperature in degrees Celsius
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
SSE 18
SSE 31
SSE 31
SSE 36
SSE 18
SSE 31
SSE 31
SSE 36
Wind gust in miles per hour 40 40 45 40 40 45
Visibility E E E
Humidity 75% 76% 62% 53% 59% 61% 59% 56%
Pressure in hectopascals 1,039 1,037 1,036 1,035 1,036 1,034 1,033 1,031

Wednesday (15 January 2025)

00:00 03:00 06:00
Weather symbol Clear night Sunny day Sunny day
Temperature in degrees Celsius
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
SSE 36
SSE 36
SSE 36
Wind gust in miles per hour 45 45 45
Visibility E E
Humidity 53% 55% 51%
Pressure in hectopascals 1,030 1,030 1,029

Location Details

Location: 49.217, 81.217
Altitude: 455m above sea level