Bealach Na Ba (Highland) last 24 hours weather


Friday (21 February 2025)

16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
SSW 34
SSW 36
SSW 41
SSW 45
SSW 47
SSW 34
S 17
N 20
Wind gust in miles per hour 43 47 58 60 69 63 47 67

Saturday (22 February 2025)

00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
SSE 20
S 24
S 29
S 19
SSW 48
SSW 45
S 36
S 28
SSW 44
S 36
SSW 49
SSW 48
SSW 47
SSW 51
SW 33
SW 40
SW 32
SW 30
SSW 36
SSW 37
SSW 42
SSW 42
SSW 49
SSW 42
Wind gust in miles per hour 49 58 81 60 69 63 65 63 63 60 63 65 67 63 54 49 47 43 47 45 54 51 63 63

Sunday (23 February 2025)

00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00
Wind direction and speed
Wind direction and speed in miles per hour
S 19
S 21
SSE 40
SSE 42
SSE 48
SSE 47
SSE 46
SSE 45
SSE 43
SSE 41
SSE 52
SSE 48
SSE 41
S 23
S 24
SSW 44
Wind gust in miles per hour 56 43 65 69 65 85 92 92 72 60 81 85 81 87 69 85

Location Details

Location: 57.417, -5.689
Altitude: 773m above sea level