East Midlands weather

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East Midlands weather forecast


Cloudy with isolated showers.


Staying cloudy for much of the day with breaks to some sunshine at times. Isolated showers developing by midday. Feeling rather cool under cloud but warm in sunshine with light winds. Maximum temperature 19 °C.


A cloudy evening with a few isolated showers at first, becoming dry by midnight with variable cloud, the best of any breaks to the west. Minimum temperature 8 °C.


After a bright start, cloud and rain begin to spread in from the west, occasionally heavy over western hills and becoming breezy. Maximum temperature 19 °C.

Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:

A brighter day Tuesday, largely dry aside for the odd shower. Dull on Wednesday with blustery winds and rain followed by blustery showers on Thursday. Temperatures around or below normal.


UK long range weather forecast

The outlook period likely sees a continuation of the changeable conditions, with occasional bands of rain moving in from the west or northwest. There will be a good deal of dry, warm, and settled weather in between frontal systems, with the best conditions most likely in the south and east where winds will be lighter. In contrast, further north and west, it will generally be breezier, and any rain that does occur will be heaviest over the hills. Cloud cover will vary, with cloudier weather expected in the north and west, while clearer skies are likely in the south and east. Temperatures will be around or a little below average for the time of year, but on sunnier days with lighter winds, it will still feel warm or rather warm.


On balance most likely rather changeable at first, with periods of unsettled and cloudy, wet weather mixed with spells of dry and fine weather, with weather systems tending to come from the west. This means that the west is likely to see the wettest conditions, while the east will tend to be drier. By mid month there is a signal for more settled conditions to develop, so more in the way of dry weather, although still with a risk of some rain / showers at times. Temperatures close to average at first, but with a greater chance of warmer than average conditions later in the period.


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