Strawberry field in a greenhouse

Reducing food waste

According to WRAP, 23% of total UK food system emissions are linked to the production & distribution of food that becomes waste. 

Read some of the suggestions below for everyday actions for you and your household to prevent food waste and help lower emissions.

Create a meal plan

Many of us lead busy lives and don’t have much time to plan, prepare and cook a meal every day, so making a weekly meal plan can help you know what ingredients to buy while limiting waste. By only buying what you need, you will reduce food waste as well as lower your food bill.

Find out how to create meal plan with this guide from Love Food Hate Waste.

Check your fridge temperature

One way to help prevent food going bad is to check the temperature of your fridge regularly. A fridge should ideally be below 5 °C to ensure food and drink last as long as possible. In the UK, however, most fridges are on average 2 °C too warm.

Find out how to get the ideal fridge temperature and keep your food fresher for longer with Love Food Hate Waste.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Lady picking red onions from market stall

For a sustainable diet, the UK government recommends consuming at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. 

For more tips on a balanced diet, visit the UK Government’s Eatwell Guide which suggests eating more beans and pulses and less red and processed meat.

Surplus waste from businesses

Globally, 25–30% of total food produced is lost or wasted, and food waste is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to contribute 8-10% of total man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

Defra has a guide for organisations and business that deal with food and drink and want to avoid surplus wate. This includes farmers and producers, manufacturers and hospitality providers.