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be verified are proposed. 1.4 System details. Details of forecast systems employed. 1.5 Exchange of verification information. The SVSLRF verification results are made available through a website maintained by the Lead Centre. The functions of the Lead Centre for SVSLRF include creating

Coastal flooding and weather patterns

July 2018 - Scientists from the Met Office and hydro-meteorologists from the Flood Forecasting Centre have objectively identified the weather patterns associated with coastal flooding in the UK.

probabilistic medium- to long-range weather pattern forecasting tool (Decider), called Coastal Decider. Coastal Decider is used by the Flood Forecasting Centre to assist in the decision making process which alerts the Environment Agency and the wider responder community to the possibility of a coastal

North Atlantic Oscillation

conditions and clearer skies. A giant see-saw across the North Atlantic The common pressure features seen in the North Atlantic Ocean are for large regions of relatively high pressure centred over the Azores islands (west of Portugal, known as the sub-tropical or Azores high) and low pressure

HadCM3: Met Office climate prediction model

HadCM3 stands for the Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3. It was developed in 1999 and was the first unified model climate configuration not to require flux adjustments (artificial adjustments applied to climate model simulations to prevent them drifting into unrealistic climate states). HadCM3

Neil Kaye

Centre Technical Note. Neil has recently worked with Met Office Hadley Centre colleagues to assess the efficacy of pattern scaling as a method to provide climate change projections for time periods and emission scenarios that have not been simulated by climate model simulations. The study explored

Climate monitoring and attribution - external collaborations

to underpin surface-input-only 4D weather reconstructions (reanalyses) over the last 200-250 years for climate applications and impacts needs worldwide.  The National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK (NOCS): our collaboration on surface temperature data both over the ocean and the land includes


the budget. � Julia Slingo summarised the latest options for sustainable funding of the Met Office Hadley Centre and progress with discussions with stakeholders. � The Board discussed and noted the importance of secure long-term funding for the Met Office Hadley Centre and this critical national

MOB Summary 26 Oct 11

around by Civil Contingencies Secretariat to contingency planners, local authorities etc. • JH informed the Board of the good progress being made in social media with twitter community growing. • JH updated the Board on the Hazard Centre and the Environmental Science to Service Partnership progress


(SCIPEA), the development and delivery of demand-led climate information services in Kenya, enhancing national climate services (IRI ENACTS) in Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya and the building of capacity of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) regional training centre in Kenya. Prediction across

Mike Kendon

Mike is a climate information scientist working for the National Climate Information Centre. He develops systems for monitoring the UK's climate.

system that is easily maintained. This is intended to provide a long-term solution for UK climate monitoring lasting decades into the future. Re-engineering this system is a long-term piece of work on which Mike has been working with other colleagues in the National Climate Information Centre

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