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2012 - a wet year

In 2012 the weather regularly made the news headlines and if you asked somebody to describe 2012 in a single word they would probably say 'wet'.

The statistics For the UK as a whole 2012 was the second wettest year on record (with only 2000 being wetter). The UK rainfall record dates back to 1910. Four out of the top five wettest years have occurred since 2000 as the table below shows. The top five wettest years in the UK 2000 - 1337.3 mm


Wettest March in over 40 years for England and Wales

with long-term averages. England, Wales and Northern Ireland all close the month close to their average temperature for the month. Scotland, however, has been cooler than average. Dr Mark McCarthy concluded: “March 2023 will be remembered for being a dull and wet month, especially for those in the south


not currently have a sample cup or shield, which can allow liquid water to enter the sample line. If the manual water drain at the foot of the tower is not emptied on a regular basis, there is the possibility of water entering the Picarro CRDS. Owing to the very wet conditions over winter 2013-2014


Wet and windy weather

Low pressure is dominating our weather as we head into October and the UK will experience some heavy rain and strong to gale force winds. This unsettled weather is being influenced by what's left of tropical systems Lee and Maria in the Atlantic. Wet and windy weather will set in from Saturday


focus on standardising and developing three types of county forecast which are already being produced by CDMs in Western Kenya: � � � Weekly – every Monday night Monthly – one or two days before the start of each month Seasonal – at least three weeks before the onset of the rainy season In order to make


April 2012 - Wet and windy

of the weather in April we think of sunshine and showers (hence the term 'April showers') but the month brought some prolonged spells of wet and windy weather with deep areas of low pressure and active frontal bands affecting the UK. Meteorological situation The weather chart (below left) is for 0600 on 28

Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC)

The Met Office worked in partnership with the World Bank and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) on the UK aid-funded ARRCC programme from 2018-2022. The four-year programme aimed to strengthen weather forecasting systems across South Asia. The programme sought to deliver


Wet and windy end to April

day – perhaps cold enough to produce some wet snow on high ground although this seems unlikely to settle”. Meanwhile many northern and western areas escape the worst of this weather system with some sunshine by day but fairly widespread frost again tonight. As we head through the rest of the week

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