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to increase by 1.4 to 5.8°C during the 21 st century (Kwon et al., 2005; Sheperd and Jin, 2004). Lioubimtseva and � Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 915 3049764, Fax: +98 51 33822311. E-mail address: [email protected] Henebry (2009) showed that aridity would increase across the entire central Asian

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North Sea. Much of eastern England receives less than 700mm of rainfall per year and includes the driest areas of the UK. Average rainfall amounts are spread relatively evenly across the seasons due to the region’s distance away from Atlantic depressions, combined with higher rates of summer


is the National Meteorological Service of the UK, and is backed up by the Toulouse VAAC operated by Meteo France. Reciprocally the London VAAC backs-up the Toulouse VAAC for dispersion of volcanic ash originating from volcanoes in continental Europe, western Asia and Africa. This document explains the current


Climate trends and risks in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region Current climate for zones in the MENA region Future climate risks by the 2050s in the MENA region Food security by 2050s Water security by 2050s Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea Shorter growing seasons in many areas

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2012

All tropical cyclones in the northern hemisphere season in 2012 are listed below including details of their start and end dates and maximum sustained wind (MSW). Qualitative comments are included on the performance of the Met Offi

Click on the name of the tropical cyclone to see a chart of the observed track and forecast tracks from the Met Office global model. Verification statistics on each tropical cyclone are available upon request from [email protected]. At the end of the season a verification report on the performance


in the north-eastern part of the zone. • Inland (lake and river) fisheries and marine fisheries. Zone 3 is projected to be hotter on average, potentially wetter in the wet season, and potentially drier September-November. • High confidence for a warming of 1.5-4°C in annual mean temperature in the 2050s


Increasing influence of climate change on UK climate

the last decade Winter and Spring have seen 13% more sunshine3 Temperatures have been warmer by 0.9 °C3 Summers have been 13% wetter and winters have been 12% wetter3 Climate statistics in 2019 4 high temperature records Above average susnhine hours3 One of the least snowy years on record4 6 named storms5

Microsoft Word - NEB_upd_2021

with statistical @ Crown copyright 2020 1 predictions from pre-season sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific. The detailed methodology is described in Part 2. For this forecast the GloSea5 component comprised an aggregation of 42 GloSea5 predictions (ensemble members) initialised between


reduces with increasing latitude as the ITCZ reaches its maximum northerly extent. The most northern areas of Sudan receive virtually no rainfall. Wet season rainfall totals are highly variable from year-to-year due to large-scale dynamics in the climate system, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation


. These changes initially warmed the land over much of the Tropics and south and central Asia (see Fig. 5 top panel). The stronger warming over much of the Arctic and the initial reduction in the AMOC over the first 20 years suggests these are more complicated responses to that initial warming. It is also

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