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State of the UK Climate 2016

Met Office State of the UK Climate report shows 2016 the 13th warmest year.

, said: “Although 2016 may not be regarded as remarkable for temperature, it does feature within a notable decade for temperature records. The trend towards warmer temperatures is clear, but of course natural variation in our climate will always mean that increases are not always even year on year

Human dynamics of climate change

The Human dynamics of climate change poster studies the impacts of climate change in the context of present-day human dynamics

The impacts of climate change will not be experienced in isolation, but will affect humans in the context of the way we live. The 'Human dynamics of climate change' poster aims to illustrate some of the impacts of climate and population change in the context of a globalised world. You can download


Wales: climate Wales is a mainly mountainous country with much of the land being over 150 metres. In the north, Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales, at 1085 metres, and in the south the Brecon Beacons rise to 885 metres. The rivers drain radially from the upland areas, the Severn

Regional climate anomalies datasheet

Data description for regional climate anomalies

Format Text Operational Status Live Cost Type Free Terms and conditions of use of this product and license details are defined within the Legal . Regional Climate Anomalies

Climate Research 69:129

Vol. 69: 129–141, 2016 doi: 10.3354/cr01395 CLIMATE RESEARCH Clim Res Published online June 27 Effects of climate change on the yield of winter wheat in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East K. Constantinidou 1, *, P. Hadjinicolaou 1 , G. Zittis 1 , J. Lelieveld 1,2 1 Energy Environment


Commonwealth Climate Services demonstrator

Commonwealth Climate Services demonstrator

  The Commonwealth Climate Services Demonstrator is a trial project that is pulling through existing Met Office capability to have additional benefit to Commonwealth nations. At the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) meeting in London in April 2018, the UK universities Minister announced


United Nations Climate Action

Tackling the challenges posed by climate change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty with the objective of stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous man-made interference with the climate system. It states

Climate, cryosphere and ocean scientists

Our climate, cryosphere and ocean scientists

Dr Lesley Allison Lesley works on understanding the ocean’s role in climate variability and change, with a focus on ocean heat content and sea level Dr Rosa Barciela Rosa leads the research and development of the operational marine ecosystems and sediment modelling systems Dr Mike Bell Mike

UK weather and climate quiz

A quick quiz to explore how weather and climate change impact the UK

Click the icon to download in English     UK weather and climate quiz (PDF 162.9KB)         UK weather and climate quiz presentation (PDF 232KB)     Cliciwch ar yr eicon i lawrlwytho yn Gymraeg      Cwis tywydd a hinsawdd y DU (PDF 163.6KB)        Cyflwyniad cwis tywydd a hinsawdd y DU (PDF 216.8KB)       

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