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Isles on south or south-easterly winds ahead of slow-moving Atlantic fronts. When high pressure prevails during the winter, strong cooling near the surface makes the air stable, rather than cold and moist. Low cloud and poor visibility may be very persistent under such conditions. • The record


prescribed sea surface temperatures. It is recommended to base the simulations on the OSTIA sea surface temperature analysis, or a similar product. 8. Cloud droplet number concentrations Aerosol or CCN concentrations are not specified. We suggest, however, to fix the cloud droplet number


the air stable, rather than cold and moist. Low cloud and poor visibility may be very persistent under such conditions. • The record breaking temperatures of August 2003 were caused by a tropical continental air mass. Summer Winter Temperature: Very warm or hot Average Humidity: Relatively dry Rather


Convection WG Overview Model Issues Timing of convective initiation Spatial structure of convection Methods Robustness Rainfall amounts Elevated Convection Observations Rain (radar + satellite) Profiles (aircraft + sondes) Cloud (radar + satellite) Amounts, distribution, cell statistics etc

Dr Anthony J. Baran

Anthony studies how electromagnetic radiation interacts with particulates suspended in the Earth's atmosphere with an emphasis on ice crystal clouds or cirrus.

Areas of expertise Electromagnetic and light scattering; Radiative transfer theory; Numerical methods; Cloudy satellite remote sensing; Cloud microphysics. Publications by Anthony Current activities Anthony is currently responsible for the development of models that predict ice crystal scattering


What is a tornado? A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that reaches between the base of a storm cloud and the Earth's surface. They form in very unsettled weather conditions as part of severe thunderstorms. Many conditions need to be present for a tornado to form but, when

Meteorological research unit

both on site and, during field campaigns, at remote locations throughout the UK and internationally. Topics studied include boundary layer cloud and fog, stable boundary layers, flow over hills and urban meteorology. Quantities measured include wind and turbulence, temperature and humidity

NCIC Monthly Summary

interlude, it turned wet almost everywhere by the 10th. Around mid-month there was a spell of warm, humid, showery weather with thunderstorms especially in central, western and southern areas, and persistent low cloud along the northeast coast. There was a hot sunny spell especially over England from

Dr Michael Whitall

of the properties of convective clouds have been made by international field studies, such BOMEX, RICO, TOGA-COARE and TWP-ICE.  But it is challenging to get enough detail from these data to study the small-scale processes often responsible for initiating convection.  Further insight can be gained

Dr Mark Ringer

Areas of expertise Clouds, water vapour and radiation. Use of satellite data for climate studies. Climate model development and evaluation. Current activities Mark manages the Climate sensitivity and feedbacks group which is part of Understanding Climate Change. The team seeks to understand

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