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to be crossed almost every year by the end of the century. The event in the present climate has a return time of 3.41 years (best estimate) and is estimated to be about 160 times more likely than in the NAT climate. The likelihood of exceeding the record seen in year 2014 is calculated next


are often asked if they ‘believe’ in climate change. For those at the Met Office Hadley Centre who have studied climate records, the evidence that human activity is changing our climate is overwhelming. ‘Climate change and CO 2 are clearly linked. And, as a major CO 2 producer, humankind

Microsoft Word - 2023_07_scotland_rain_v1.docx

shows Scotland’s ten wettest independent 2-day periods on record. Six of the wettest 10, including four of the wettest five, have occurred in the 21st Century; consistent with increases in rainfall extremes seen in the observational records as the UK’s climate continues to warm. The maps below compare

ACMAD Assessment Final Report

of the protection of life and property and the well-being of all nations, particularly those basic data and products required to describe and forecast weather and climate, and to support WMO programmes. Yet, ACMAD has not been able to access to the countries long-term climate records essential

00020 VCP Datasheet_amend.indd

to the public. Weather observations Records of the global climate are essential for monitoring climate change, but maintaining them requires effective weather observations to be taken all over the world. These observations are also essential for both local and global weather forecasting. While most WMO member


Climate is the weather pattern in an area over a long period of time. Here, you can learn about our climate, how it is changing, and what we can do about it.

Climate is the weather pattern in an area over a long period of time. Here, you can learn about our climate, how it is changing, and what we can do about it.


dataset ERA-Interim ( It provides a comprehensive synthetic historical record of climate and is produced using observations and numerical models. Pg 4 of 5 Source: Met Office © Crown Copyright

How to measure the heating of the planet?

.  Monitoring global mean surface temperature is useful because it is linked to many important climate impacts and it has a long and reliable historical record.  However, Earth’s surface temperature, even its global average, is strongly affected by internal climate variability, and is not necessarily

Climate, climate change and careers

Discover the difference between weather and climate and the impacts of climate change on the UK and globally

  Leaders pack (PDF) Climate, climate change and careers sessions: Session 7: What is climate? Session 8: What is climate change? Session 9: Our future workforce Session 7 - What is climate? This session introduces the concept of climate and climate change. The difference between weather and climate


websites (seasonal outlooks for precipitation and temperature, longer-term historical precipitation records) • Climate Change Knowledge Portal of WB – projection data © Crown copyright 2022, Met Office Page 17 of 24 • Longer-term climate information for adaptation to climate change impacts (flooding

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