Space Weather
Space Weather
Space weather describes changing environmental conditions in near-Earth space. Magnetic fields, radiation, particles and matter, which have been ejected from the Sun, can interact with the Earth’s upper atmosphere and surrounding magnetic field to produce a variety of effects.
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Aurora forecasts
Northern Hemisphere
The auroral oval is expected to be at mainly background levels. However, there is a chance that a glancing CME (coronal mass ejection) may bring some enhancement to high latitudes during 06 Feb.
Southern Hemisphere
The auroral oval is expected to be at mainly background levels. However, there is a chance that a glancing CME (coronal mass ejection) may bring some enhancement to high latitudes during 06 Feb.
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Forecast overview
Space Weather Forecast Headline: Chance of a glancing blow from a coronal mass ejection day 2 (06 Feb). Further Moderate-class flares expected, slight chance of a Strong flare.
Analysis of Space Weather Activity over past 24 hours
Solar Activity: Solar activity was moderate over the past 24 hours, with fairly frequent Moderate-class flares, most of which originated from the complex spot spanning centre disc. There are eight active regions on the Earth-facing disc. The majority of the activity is from the broad cluster of sunspots in the north spanning the central disc into the western hemisphere. These form a rather large and magnetically complex area. There is one notable spot toward the rear of this region which continues to slowly increase in overall areal extent, and has two delta configurations within its intermediate and trailer spots.
No Earth directed CMEs (coronal mass ejections) were observed in available imagery in the past 24 hours.
Solar Wind / Geomagnetic Activity: Solar winds showed a gradual declining trend from slightly elevated levels to near background. The Interplanetary Magnetic Field, was weak, with the north-south component largely weakly positive. Geomagnetic activity was Quiet (Kp 0-2).
Energetic Particles / Solar Radiation: The count rate of energetic particles (high energy protons) persisted at background levels with no solar radiation storms occurring.
Four-Day Space Weather Forecast Summary
Solar Activity: Generally Moderate activity is forecast, with Moderate flares expected at times and a slight chance of isolated Strong flares, primarily from the regions in the north spanning centre disc into the western hemisphere..
Solar Wind / Geomagnetic Activity: A coronal mass ejection associated with a flare late on 02 Feb may give a glancing blow with Earth on the morning of day 2 (06 Feb), although this is low confidence. The potential for further coronal mass ejections is elevated.
Solar wind speeds are expected to continue generally at or near background levels for much of the period, but may return to slightly elevated or elevated levels for a time on day 2 (06 Feb), following any potential CME arrival. The next fast stream of solar wind is expected to most likely arrive at Earth beyond the current forecast period, although there is a chance it may become geoeffective later day 4 (08 Feb).
Generally Quiet (Kp 0-2) geomagnetic activity is expected for much of the period. However, there is a chance following any potential CME arrival on day 2, of seeing activity temporarily increase to G1-G2/Minor-Moderate Geomagnetic Storm intervals (Kp 5-6). Also, later day 4 there is a slight chance for G1/Minor Storm conditions to develop should the next fast stream of solar wind arrive.
Energetic Particles / Solar Radiation: The count rate of energetic particles (high energy protons) is likely to remain at background levels. However, there is a slightly increasing risk of a rise through this period as the cluster of sunspots in the north move further into the western hemisphere.
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Solar imagery
This channel highlights the outer atmosphere of the Sun - called the corona - as well as hot flare plasma. Hot active regions, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections will appear bright here. The dark areas - called coronal holes - are places where very little radiation is emitted, yet are the main source of solar wind particles.
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This channel is especially good at showing areas where cooler dense plumes of plasma (filaments and prominences) are located above the visible surface of the Sun. Many of these features either can't be seen or appear as dark lines in the other channels. The bright areas show places where the plasma has a high density.
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