green landscape before blue sky with field of solar panels in the front

UKNCSP webinar series

Below you will find details of past events including video recordings and written summaries.

Details of upcoming events will be added below including registration links when available.

Past events 

Beyond UKCP18 – A community Call for Evidence

On 19 July, UKNCSP hosted the first of its webinar series. ‘Beyond UKCP18 – A community Call for Evidence’ focused on the future of climate projections in the UK, discussing updates, advancements, and community feedback. With a call for evidence, the community was invited to become involved in the process of reviewing the current UKCP18 products and to provide their views on whether there is evidence to suggest a need for a significant update to existing UKCP climate information. 

The webinar is available to watch on our YouTube Science and Services channel

You can also read a webinar summary, the Q&A and download the slides


  • Prof Michael Meredith, British Antarctic Survey & Joint Director UKNCSP 

  • Prof Catherine Senior, Principal Fellow Path to High Resolution at the Met Office Hadley Centre & Joint Director UKNCSP 

  • Prof Jason Lowe, Principal Fellow/Head of Climate Services for Government at the Met Office & Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds 

  • Dr Carol McSweeney, Science Manager - Deputy UKCP Science Lead at the Met Office 

  • Dr Fai Fung, Science Manager - UKCP Science into Services at the Met Office & University of Bristol 

  • James Murphy, Science Fellow - Climate Projections & Uncertainty at the Met Office 

  • Dr Ségolène Berthou, Scientific Manager - Regional Coupled Modelling at the Met Office 

  • Prof Len Shaffrey, Professor of Climate Science at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) 

  • Dr Gillian Kay, Senior Scientist - Climate Dynamics at the Met Office