A plane coming into land, flying away from photographer

Network Weather Resilience (NWR) resources

Demo videos

Learn how to use NWR by watching our demo videos 

Creating a watch list:

Interacting with the map and visualising weather layers:

Managing Airports:

Thresholds Infographic- Superuser functionality

You can download the infographic on how to set thresholds for your organisation. 

Non-Compliant SIGMETs

Occasionally NWR cannot decode a SIGMET to work out the validity period or FIR/area covered. In this instance the SIGMET will be displayed in the “Non-compliant SIGMET” list. A number in brackets by this link indicates there are data there that can be viewed by the user by clicking the link. These data may persist in the list for longer than the validity period of the SIGMET so this must be checked by the user before any decisions are made.

User Guide

For a more detailed overview of the functionality within NWR, read our User Guide.


For further help, read the FAQs for NWR.

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