Aviation forecast performance

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Verification Reports

We provide monthly CAA Verification Reports, which the CAA reviews. These reports measure:

  • Timeliness of short-term landing forecasts (TRENDS)
  • Global Model performance and timeliness of global significant weather bulletins
  • Accuracy of Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs)

The Met Office uses various metrics to ensure high standards of accuracy, timeliness, and format compliance. These metrics help the UK aviation industry make informed decisions for safe and efficient operations. Performance is continuously assessed against KPIs agreed with the CAA, reported monthly, and reviewed quarterly.

CAA Verification Reports

Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) Verification Reports

We provide Verification Reports for our Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAF). These reports ensure airlines and pilots have accurate airport forecasts for planning.

  • We measure performance against targets set by the Civil Aviation Authority
  • We use observations from Meteorological Aerodrome Reports (METARs) to verify TAFs for UK civil airports
  • We use statistical algorithms to assess accuracy of cloud base and surface visibility
  • Each download includes a more detailed description of the method used for verification.

TAF Verification Reports are available by location, with varying lead times (T+9, T+24 and T+30). Reports are available as a PDF file. New reports are available on a monthly basis.

TAF Verification Reports - Leeds Bradford Airport and north of Leeds Bradford Airport

TAF Verification Reports - South of Leeds Bradford Airport

TAF Verification Reports - Summary

NATS Low Visibility Procedure (LVP) Matrix

We help Air Traffic Service (ATS) units manage airport capacity. We provide accurate advance forecasts of low visibility and cloud base.

We provide risk-based forecasts of potential LVPs at many airports. Our LVP Verification Reports summarise LVP occurrences against forecast risk levels for six airports.

We base LVP Verification Reports on forecasts issued to NATS 12 hours ahead for the following day, and early in the morning of the current day.

The LVP Verification Report is updated by 30 June each year.

An example of an LVP verification reportAn example of an LVP verification report

Understanding the LVP Verification Report

  • The shaded area shows where the forecast LVP risk levels match the expected frequency of events
  • A plotted line shows the probability of risks against the observed frequency of LVPs
  • When the plotted line is within the shaded area, it is highlighted in green in the accompanying table
  • When the plotted line is above or below the shaded area, it is highlighted in yellow in the accompanying table. This represents under-forecasting or over-forecasting respectively.

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