How will WISER-EWSA transform nowcasting and EWS in southern Africa?

Extreme weather puts hundreds of thousands of people across southern Africa at risk every year.

It is estimated that 15,000 people were affected by floods in Zambia in January 2022, and in April that year, more than 400 people were killed by floods in Durban, South Africa. Around 200,000 families were displaced in Mozambique’s last rainy season. In early 2023, Tropical Cyclone Freddy became the longest-lived tropical cyclone on record and is thought to have killed more than 600 people in Malawi, Mozambique and Madagascar (East Africa).

Meteorological Technology International took an in-depth look at what WISER EWSA aims to achieve in context of the regions it works in, and how it could transform nowcasting and early warning services in Southern Africa.