Southeast Asia climate risk report
Climate risk report for the Southeast Asia region
The climate risk report for the Southeast Asia region is part of a series of standardised regional climate risk reports the Met Office is producing in collaboration with ODI.
Understanding future climate risks depends on analysing both future climate conditions, and the socio-economic vulnerabilities exposed by those conditions.
Climate risks threaten human wellbeing and development. Climate risks for the Southeast Asia region have been explored in this report through exploring their impact of systems including: agriculture and food security, water resources and water-dependent services, health, infrastructure and settlements, energy, environment, and blue economy and the marine environment.
These were identified by considering the current climate and climate change model projections from the present day to the 2050s, and their interaction with regional socio-economic vulnerabilities.
The key findings from the report are summarised in two infographics, which can be downloaded below:
Southeast Asia - Summary Infographic
Southeast Asia - Climate Infographic
Alternative language versions of these can be downloaded below:
Bahasa Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia - Summary Infographic
Bahasa Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia - Climate Infographic
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt - Summary Infographic
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt - Climate Infographic
Access the Full Report and Technical Reference Document through the links below:
Southeast Asia Climate Risk Report
Southeast Asia Technical Reference Document
Alternative language versions of the report’s executive summaries can be downloaded below:
Bahasa Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia - Southeast Asia Executive Summary