World Meteorological Centre Exeter

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) provides the framework for such international cooperation. As member state of the WMO, the UK shares data with other members in accordance with the Unified Data Policy, and relevant technical manuals. In return, we make use of data produced by other countries. This is done to enable all countries to deliver life-saving services to people, and contributes directly to the United Nations’ Early Warnings for All initiative

The WMO Integrated Predication and Processing System (WIPPS) is the programme established to enable sharing of forecast data and related basic services among WMO members. Full details of all the WIPPS centres can be found on the WIPPS Web Portal.

The UK is a Designated Centre for the following activities under WIPPS, all of which are operated by the Met Office: 

  • World Meteorological Centre (WMC Exeter) 

  • Global Deterministic NWP 

  • Global Ensemble NWP 

  • Global numerical long-range prediction 

  • Annual to decadal climate prediction 

  • Lead Centre for annual to decadal climate prediction

  • Numerical ocean wave prediction 

  • Nuclear environmental emergency response: 

  • Volcano watch services for international air navigation 

  • Marine meteorological services 

The sections below contain links to the mandated information about the characteristics of the systems we use to produce these data. The information requirements are set out in WMO No. 485, the Manual on WIPPS. Also included below are links to locations where the data can be accessed, to verification statistics, and to other information where these are relevant. 

Global deterministic Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) 

Model characteristics 

Numerical weather prediction models - Met Office 

Technical description 

Global Coupled model v4 assessment report 

Verification statistics 

WMO Lead Centre for Deterministic Forecast Verification 

Primary data channel 

WMO Information System (WIS): Global Telecommunications System (GTS) and WIS 2.0

Secondary data channel 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI), including two-year archive, as described at External data channels - Met Office 

Weather DataHub: Met Office Weather DataHub - Met Office 

Visualisation of global NWP over Africa: Africa Web Viewer (login required) 

Tropical cyclone guidance: Tropical cyclones - Met Office 

Global ensemble Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) 

Model characteristics 

Numerical weather prediction models - Met Office 

Technical description 

Global Coupled model v4 assessment report 

Verification statistics 

The Lead Centre on Verification of Ensemble Prediction Systems 

Primary data channel 

We plan to make global ensemble NWP data available on WIS 2.0 

Secondary data channel 

Weather DataHub: Met Office Weather DataHub - Met Office 

Global numerical long-range prediction 

The Met Office is designated by the WMO as a global producing centre for Long-range Forecasts (GPC-LRF). Additionally, as the lead centre for LRF, we coordinate and make available long-range forecasts from all the GPCs on behalf of all WMO Members.  

Model characteristics 


Verification statistics 

Global long-range model probability skill maps - Met Office 

Primary data channel 

Long Range Predictions - Met Office 

Lead Centre website 

WMO LRF MME (data and verification from all LRF centres) 

Annual to decadal climate prediction 

The Met Office is the Lead Centre for Annual to Decadal Climate Prediction. We are also a Global Producing Centre (GPC) for annual to decadal prediction. As the Lead Centre, we collect forecasts and verification data from a number of contributing centres worldwide. We produce a multi-model forecast each year, published in the Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update. The forecast data are provided for guidance of expert authorities and are not themselves an official forecast.

Model characteristics 

WMO LC Annual-to-Decadal Climate Prediction (listed under “MOHC” column) 

Data and verification statistics 

WMO LC Annual-to-Decadal Climate Prediction 

Publications Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update


Numerical ocean wave prediction 

Technical description Met Office Global Wave Model

Model characteristics 

WMO Lead Centre for Wave Forecast Verification (LC-WFV) (in “UKMO” row) 

Primary data channel 

WMO Information System (WIS): Global Telecommunications System (GTS) and WIS 2.0

Verification statistics 

WMO Lead Centre for Wave Forecast Verification (LC-WFV)

Nuclear environmental emergency response 

As a designated centre for nuclear environmental emergency response, we provide information to government and other authorities in the event of the release of nuclear material, as part of the WMO Emergency Response Activities (ERA) 

Information on hazards services 

CBRN incident management - Met Office 

WMO ERA webpage 

Emergency Response Activities (ERA) | World Meteorological Organization 

Dispersion model characteristics 

Met Office dispersion model - Met Office 

Volcano watch services for international air navigation 

Although listed in the WMO WIPPS manual, designation of Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) is managed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Information on London VAAC can be found here: Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) - Met Office

Marine meteorological services 

The Met Office provides warnings and routine forecasts for mariners on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency. We also act as the coordinator of services within METAREA I, an area of the north-east Atlantic Ocean, on behalf of WMO. Note that the websites below are not part of the Maritime Safety Information system and should not be relied upon as the only means of accessing warnings and forecasts. 

Service description 

Coast and Sea - Met Office 

METAREA I warnings and forecasts