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of rainfall over the tropical Pacific Ocean, that La Niña is associated with, leads to increases in rainfall across the tropical land areas. Over the next three months, large parts of southern Asia, Australasia, southern and western Africa as well as northern South America are likely to be wetter than

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that the October-December (OND) rainy season could also fail.” The full statement can be seen here. A more active West Africa Monsoon has resulted in wet or very wet conditions in west Africa in the last three months, and parts of the Sahel during July and August. After a wet June, rainfall has been mixed

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:// For the next three months, wetter than normal conditions are likely across much of south and southeast Asia, as well as Australia. Wetter than normal conditions are also likely for parts of southeast

Improving seasonal forecast services for resilience

          South Asia is a varied and complex region that is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Monsoons are a dominant feature of the season here, with the region typically experiencing a pre-monsoon, the Southwest summer monsoon, post-monsoon and the Northeast winter monsoon

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of South America, as well as the Caribbean, central and southern Europe and central parts of Asia are likely to be drier than normal. This is also true for southern Vietnam and parts of the Philippines. Meanwhile, wetter than normal conditions are more probable across much of Indonesia, Malaysia

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/climate/seasonal-to-decadal/gpc-outlooks/el-ninola-nina/enso-impacts For the next three months, wetter than normal conditions are likely across much of south and southeast Asia, as well as Australia. Wetter than normal conditions are also likely for parts of southeast Africa, as well as central

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Indonesia/Malaysia and northern/eastern Australia. Over the next three months, large parts of southern Asia, Australasia, northern parts of South America, along with southern parts of Africa are likely to be wetter than normal. Meanwhile, much of West, Central and East Africa, Central Asia

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most of the US and Caribbean, the Middle East extending east across Central Asia towards Japan, as well as Malaysia/Indonesia and adjacent countries. Notable exceptions to this are northern parts of South America, which is accompanied by wetter than normal conditions (see slide 6). The Pacific

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of wetter than normal conditions across central Asia and drier than normal conditions across parts of southeast Asia; however there is an increased likelihood of wetter than normal conditions across parts of Malaysia and much of Indonesia. Meanwhile, large swathes of Africa are more likely to experience

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and December. In southern Africa, it was very wet in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique during November and December. Outlook: The East African Long Rains season runs from March until May across most of this region. The start of this season is likely to be drier than normal in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda

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