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Weather words

the air feels. There are always tiny droplets of water called water vapour floating in the air. Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapour in the air. Weather forecasters need to know the humidity because it helps them predict rain and fog. Hurricanes Hurricanes are tropical storms with very

Weather and climate news

of weather forecasting and generate a better analyses of the state of the North Sea. Read more 18 news items Storm Caroline bringing gales to Scotland 5 Dec 2017 Storm Brian to arrive this weekend 19 Oct 2017 Ex-hurricane Ophelia passes after 90mph winds 17 Oct 2017 Ex-hurricane Ophelia impacts the UK 16


Storm Aileen has officially been named

. There is no such connection. Met Office Deputy Meteorologist Chris Tubbs said: “There are no links between the very strong winds we expect to see here in the UK and the hurricanes affecting the United States and the Caribbean at present. This system originated well north in the Atlantic Ocean, independent


How will Storm Lorenzo affect the UK?

Our partner Met Éireann named Storm Lorenzo on Wednesday morning, (the first named storm of the 2019/2020 season named after the hurricane it started as) issuing yellow and orange wind and rain warnings for the Republic of Ireland

runs from 04:00 to 16:00 on Friday. Storm Lorenzo will contain the remnants of Hurricane Lorenzo, which has been moving north-east through the northern Atlantic passing close to the Azores. As Lorenzo continues to move north-east it will weaken quickly and the system is expected to transition from


Starting the new week with an unsettled spell

southwesterly winds. Gusts are expected to approach 50-60 mph, which could bring some coastal impacts, especially during the high spring tide.  Is Ex-hurricane Ernesto to blame?  Hurricane Ernesto - which has brought impacts to Bermuda – has now been downgraded to a Tropical Storm but may briefly regain

PowerPoint Presentation

• Ministry/body mandated to issue hydrometeorological information/ warnings can lead to loss of information, loss of control in how information is communicated to public/sectors (disconnect) • Climate information is often only understood through extreme events, such as hurricanes REQUIREMENTS • Need

Microsoft Word - 2020_08_storms_ellen_francis.docx

and there were several other fatalities at sea and on land. Wind gusts reached 65Kt (75mph) at Milford Haven and even Northolt, London recorded 52Kt (60mph). One of the most significant storms of this type in recent decades was from the remnants of Hurricane Charley on 25 to 26 August 1986. This storm failed


Further wet and windy weather to come

Hurricane Nigel. “As Nigel moves north over the Atlantic, it gets picked up by the jet stream and moves towards the west of the UK, whilst losing its tropical characteristics. The specifics may differ by the time we get to Sunday but computer models show this area of low pressure sitting to the west


Satellite image of the month - 2019

an attractive 'scalloped' pattern. City lights, roads and oil platforms can also be seen further south. The green colouration used in this image is chosen to highlight the brighter parts of the image effectively. Credits:  Image: © Crown copyright, Met Office, Data: NOAA/NASA September 2019 - Hurricane Lorenzo


finances; progress towards delivering the savings required and impacts relating to potential service reductions; governance, benefits and risks of the portfolio; and key achievements to date. � Met Office experts presented an item on Met Office work in support of the hurricane response efforts

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