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temperatures over a central area of England stretching between Lancashire, Bristol, and London. The decade of 2002–11 has been a particularly interesting one for CETs, with a number of warm autumns (2009, 2011), along with a number of cold winters (2009/10, 2010/11). The emergent science


; Hajat, S; Kovats, R. S. Effect of night-time temperatures on cause and age-specific mortality in London. Environmental Epidemiology 1(2):p e005, December 2017. DOI: 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000005 Met Office, 2023: Heat-health alert service.


., S.K. Jones, U. Dragosits, J. Drewer, D. Fowler, R.M. Rees, V. Pappa, L. Cardenas, D. Chadwick, S. Yamulki, A. J. Manning (2011). UK emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2012 367, 1175-1185, doi: 10.1098/rstb.2011.0356 6 2.2 Meetings DECC meeting (London, 13 th October


Policy brief Developing a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework which can support the creation of decentralised Climate Information Services: Learning from the WISER Western project in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya Authors: Emma Visman (VNG Consulting/King’s College London), Brian Oduor


bulging upper parts. These clouds resemble very small ragged cumulus and are often accompanied by fibrous trails of virga from their bases. Altocumulus floccus with virga, base 15,000 ft London Heathrow Airport Altocumulus castellanus, base 7,000 ft Great Gaddeston, Herts Altocumulus castellanus


dormant twigs. Annals of Botany, 116(6): 889-897. Stillingfleet, B. 1762. Miscellaneous tracts relating to natural history, husbandry and physick. 1755 Calendar of flora (English). London, 402pp. Sparks, T. H. and Smithers, R. J. 2002. Is spring getting earlier? Weather 57: 157-166. Thackeray, S.J


on the Isles of Scilly in autumn 2054 and 131mm/h over an isolated grid box in the Outer Hebrides in summer 2030. Due to their localised nature, both these events appear unphysical. However, 136mm/h simulated over London in summer 2070 appears plausible as it occurs alongside other very intense


A (2003) Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the late nineteenth century. J Geophys Res 108(D14):4407. doi:10.10 29/2002JD002670 Riehl H (1979) Climate and weather in the tropics. Academic Press, London, p 595 Rossow WB, Schiffer RA (1991


increases from 5 to 24 through adding TTA to the 3-site network). The two GAUGE stations, on an annual time-frame, do not significantly alter the English emission estimates but do give greater clarity to London and the North East. They would also allow smaller (sub-annual) time windows

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