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-nina/enso-impacts . For the next three months and consistent with a typical La Niña influence, Asia, southern Africa and northern parts of South America are likely to be wetter than normal. Conversely, conditions are likely to be drier than normal for southern North America, southern South America


Tropical Cyclone season. Strengthening Climate Information Partnerships South Asia (SCIPSA) - work package 2 SASCOF-21: An outlook for the DJF season On November 25, representatives from national meteorological services across South Asia, as well as colleagues from international research organisations

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in December, normal elsewhere ^^Note: Very Wet in the south * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Africa: December to September Current Status 10 Current Status – Central Africa Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall December

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hemisphere monsoons commence. Some influence of the current negative IOD will be maintained, possibly until mid-December. A negative IOD increases the likelihood of wet conditions across Southeast Asia and much of Australia, and dry conditions across East Africa. Much More Likely Below Normal Near


Asian precipitation variability in both winter and summer monsoon seasons, but their skill varies significantly between different countries within the region. For instance, during the summer monsoon models have good predictability over Nepal and India, but low predictability over Bangladesh


supercomputers at a final resolution of 100 m over vast areas of jungle. We also generated historical 10-15 year datasets along the proposed railroads, using several verification methods to provide complex interpretations of storm duration and frequency during dry and wet seasons. The result

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were wet. * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Africa: August to May Current Status 12 Current Status – Eastern Africa (2) Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall August September October August September October

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be the fifth consecutive poor or failed rainy season, further exacerbating the already severe humanitarian emergency in the region. Wetter than normal conditions are likely for much of southern Africa. Much More Likely Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal Climate Outlook Africa: July to April

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: Over the last three months, the dry season continued across the Middle East and southern Europe with little rainfall observed other than in the Western Highlands of Yemen, where it has been wet. Parts of Mauritania and Eritrea where the northern extent of the West Africa Monsoon has generated areas

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less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Global: August to May Current Status 10 Current Status – MENA – North Africa Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall August September October August September October Mauritania Warm Warm Normal ^ Wet Very Wet

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