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Arctic Sea Ice in 2015

. (Source: US National Snow and Ice Data Center.) Particulars of the 2015 melt season This year, the start of the melt season in May and June was relatively cool in most of the Arctic Ocean, similar to 2013 and 2014. This was due to a lack of the persistent southerly winds which characterised the early


How to cycle in winter

As well as putting extra demands on the bike and clothing, riding in the winter places extra demands on the rider too. Road conditions are more challenging and other road users' visibility may be compromised. Braking Wet or icy roads mean that your tyre grip is often significantly compromised

CSSP China Infographic

Climate Science for Service Partnership China 18 UK research partners 5 Core themes >30 Chinese research partners MONITORING & ATTRIBUTION CLIMATE VARIABILITY & CHANGE MODELS & CLIMATE PROJECTION SYSTEMS EAST ASIAN CLIMATE EXTREMES CLIMATE SERVICES >200 Science papers published to-date >35 Work

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