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shorter period 1993-2006 (Vitart el al., 2007). Performance statistics for this period are shown in table 2. As can be seen, the dynamical model performs well in comparison with the statistical / analogue forecasts of the Colorado State University and University College London Tropical Storm Risk


with mean daily maxima ranging from around 19 °C in coastal Cornwall to 21 °C in inland areas of Somerset and Avon. This is compared with 22.5 °C that is typical of the area of highest UK temperature around London. Instances of extreme high temperatures are rare and are associated with hot air


) � AGAGE meeting Boston, USA, 14th -18th October 2013) � Ridge Hill site visit (Herefordshire, 30th October 2013) � Ridge Hill site visit (Herefordshire, 1st November 2013) � DECC5 meeting (London, 28th November 2013) – New sites meeting � InGOS Project review meeting (Brussels, 2nd December 2013

160523 Seasonal Forecasting Consultation vFinal

available to responders and the public to determine whether these products are well used and how they are viewed by responders. Evidence was collated from the 2015 Responder Survey; discussions with participants at the Responder Workshops held in London, Durham, Glasgow and Exeter and at the Wales PWSCG


and approach’ in Dixon, J., Garrity, D., Boffa, J.-M., Williams, T., Amede, T., with Auricht, C., Lott, R. and Mburathi, G. (eds) Farming systems and food security in Africa: Priorities for science and policy under global change. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 3-36 Page 19 of 28 Table 2: Evidence


be deployed to the MoD in London. Elsewhere, the Met Office provides NAME output for military incidents that may have international repercussions, with the Hazard Centre’s role becoming one of support in such circumstances. RIMNET – The Radioactive Incident Monitoring NETwork Following the world’s worst


not official and therefore accuracy of readings can be affected by poorly positioned instruments and use of non-standard instruments which may not have been calibrated accurately. There tend to be more diaries for heavily populated areas, such as London with large gaps in rural areas like Wales. In addition


rainfall averages D 0 J F M A M J J A S O N Month 30-year monthly sunshine averages D • Cold temperate - (maritime west coast) Climate averages for London, United Kingdom (51°28’N, 000°19’W) Temperature (°C) 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 J F M A M J J A S O N D Month 30-year monthly maximum temperature


Guide Developing a County Climate Information Services Plan Authors: Emma Visman (VNG Consulting/King’s College London), Ayub Shaka (Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD), Calistus Wachana (KMD), and William Githungo (KMD). Supported by: Fund Manager: Delivery Partners: Contents


. Variations in annual Heating Degree Days (map for the year 2000 shown) were very well modelled, and the strong altitude effect as well as the urban effect for London and Manchester can be seen. The strong coastal effect can be seen in the temperature range map for August 1995 (this month had large

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