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NCIC Monthly Summary

spells of rain during the day. From the 9th to 12th it was generally cloudy, while turning progressively milder. The 9th and 10th had light rain and drizzle, though with some bright spells around the Moray Firth and parts of the Northern Isles on the 9th. A significant band of rain reached western


-2010 long-term average. Rainfall was 103% of average; many places had near-average rainfall, but the south-west was wetter and it was very dry in the north of Aberdeenshire. Sunshine was 110% of average, and some parts of Aberdeenshire, Moray and Highland had a notably sunny month. 1st to 5th

NCIC Monthly Summary

was near average in some western areas, but well above average further east, with over 200% of normal for London and the south-east and also parts of Aberdeenshire and Moray. Sunshine was particularly low for much of England and Wales, with only the south of Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man


°C Inverailort (Highland) 25 May 2012 June 32.2 °C Ochtertyre (Perth and Kinross) 18 June 1893 July 34.8 °C Charterhall (Scottish Borders) 19 July 2022 August 32.9 °C Greycrook (Scottish Borders) 9 August 2003 September 32.2 °C Gordon Castle (Moray) 1 September 1906 October 27.4 °C Tillypronie

NCIC Monthly Summary

in the south and over the north-east during the afternoon. Fog around the Borders and Moray Firth on the 17th persisted well into the day, which was brightest in the east after a frosty start here. Mist and fog over much of the country on the 18th remained all day in some places, with some sunshine elsewhere


4500 900 1500 Wind (degrees/knots) 040/05 050/11 000/00 130/05 010/08 020/07 Table 3. Weather conditions for inland stations not affected by sea fog on 26 April 1984. Aviemore (Highland) Glenlivet (Moray) Newcastle Weather Centre 0900Z 1500Z 0900Z 1500Z 0900Z 1500Z Cloud cover (oktas) 0 2 0 0 0 7


Hartley, Met Office • WCSSP India - Dr Ashis K Mitra & Professor Sean Milton, Met Office • Examples of activities spanning the WCSSP projects: Hazard of Great El Niño’s – Professor Adam Scaife, Met Office 17:00 Summary of Day 1 and preview of Day 2 Professor Stephen Belcher Chief Scientist, Met


. Aviemore (Highland) Glenlivet (Moray) Newcastle Weather Centre 0900Z 1500Z 0900Z 1500Z 0900Z 1500Z Cloud cover (oktas) 0 2 0 0 0 7 Weather type Haze Sunny Sunny Sunny Haze Haze Air temperature (°C) 7.6 23.0 10.4 21.2 10.8 9.1 Visibility (m) 3000 25000 45000 45000 8000 7000 Wind (degrees/knots) 100/02


or southwesterly, backing southerly for a time, 7 to severe gale 9, occasionally violent storm 11 in north, decreasing 5 to 7 later. Rough or very rough, occasionally high in west and moderate in Moray Firth. Rain or squally showers. Moderate or good, occasionally poor. Outlook for the following 24 hours


shows the highest UK Tmax and lowest UK Tmin recorded for the year 2014. The highest temperature of 32.3 °C was fairly typical for the UK. By contrast, the lowest Tmin of -9.0 °C at Cromdale (Moray) on 27th December was unusually mild; in the last 50 calendar years -10 °C has failed to have been

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