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in Northern Ireland and parts of western Scotland. The UK monthly extremes were as follows: A maximum temperature of 19.8 °C was recorded at Kew Gardens (Greater London) on the 26th. A minimum temperature of -6.9 °C was recorded at Aboyne (Aberdeenshire) on the 5th. In the 24 hours ending at 0900 GMT

NCIC Monthly Summary

especially parts of eastern England, with an overall figure of 107% of average. The UK monthly extremes were as follows: A maximum temperature of 23.4 °C was recorded at St James’s Park (London) on the 15th. A minimum temperature of -8.0 °C was recorded at Tulloch Bridge (Inverness-shire) on the 1st

NCIC Monthly Summary

and in central and eastern Scotland. The UK monthly extremes were as follows: A maximum temperature of 33.4 °C was recorded at Heathrow (London) on the 25th. A minimum temperature of -1.9 °C was recorded at Tulloch Bridge (Inverness-shire) on the 8th. In the 24 hours ending at 0900 GMT on the 29th, 212.8

NCIC Monthly Summary

temperatures of 20.8 °C were recorded at St James’s Park (London) on the 23rd and Treknow (Cornwall) on the 25th. A minimum temperature of -9.1 °C was recorded at Aboyne (Aberdeenshire) on the 2nd. In the 24 hours ending at 0900 UTC on the 2nd, 51.6 mm of rain fell at White Barrow (Devon). A wind gust


observations of the weather in the London area and is credited with having first discovered the concept of the urban heat island, where night time temperatures in the cities do not fall as low as those in the countryside. He attributed this to the numbers of coal fires burning in close proximity


Increase in tropical cyclone risk to coastal regions Also known as hurricanes in the North Atlantic and typhoons in the northwest Pacific, tropical cyclones have maximum wind speeds of at least 74 miles per hour and can be up to 1000 kilometres in diameter. Research by Imperial College London as part


the next 48 hours across UK Domestic Airspace, to support situational awareness and planning (including staffing). A tactical (0-3 hour) trajectory-style forecast, and supplementary Meteorologist-written commentary issued ahead of and during convective weather activity within the London Terminal


Domestic Airspace, to support situational awareness and planning (including staffing). A tactical (0-3 hour) trajectory-style forecast, and supplementary Meteorologist-written commentary issued ahead of and during convective weather activity within the London Terminal Control Airspace. Shows hourly


for the seasonal mean temperature • Medians increases with rarity, because 1-in-100 year events are by construction higher than 1-in-20 or 1-in-50 year events • Uncertainty ranges in return level also increase slightly with return period Figure 1 A comparison of summer daily maximum temperature for a London


College, London, UK 3 University of Southampton, UK Contents Summary ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 1.1 Background

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