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Tips for camping in wet and windy weather

, or with compost like odours as plants release their waste, then wet weather may be on the way. When the air contains more moisture, scents are stronger. Another good tip is to watch the wildlife. Many people say that cows lie down before a thunderstorm. They also tend to huddle together before bad weather. You

Strengthening Climate Information Partnerships South Asia (SCIPSA)

-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES), Regional Climate Centre (RCC) Pune, established by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Reliable seasonal predictions in South Asia are of major importance to support climate resilience in the region.  In order to raise awareness


Scientific collaboration is the key to saving lives in Southeast Asia

Communities across Southeast Asia have to endure some of the world’s most severe weather as the region is regularly affected by floods, major cyclones and other high-impact events.

, will be working with organisations in the region and the UK to build a program of scientific weather-related research and to develop advice related to high-impact weather events. Simon Vosper, Met Office Director of Meteorological Science, said: “Southeast Asia is regularly rocked by high-impact


Wet and windy weather continues in parts of the UK

However, a series of low-pressure systems, from the Atlantic, are continuing to bring unsettled but less cold conditions for areas of the UK over the coming days. Paul Gundersen Met Office Chief Forecaster, said: “Much of the UK will remain wet and windy for New Year’s Eve with rain and hill snow


Wet and windy

The Met Office have issued rain and wind warnings as an area of low pressure pushed a spell of wet and windy weather across the UK.

the strong winds on Wednesday, affecting Northern Ireland and Scotland first thing but then pushing eastwards to the rest of the UK by the end of the day. Where this rain falls on top of already wet ground there may be some localised flooding and disruption and yellow rain warnings have been issued


is too hot, the fish die. If it is too cold, they go elsewhere. Temperate water that is neither too hot nor too cold provides ideal fishing conditions. During the rainy season, the rivers that flow into Lake Victoria swell in volume and pour cold water into the lake. Fishing around river outlets tends


We often talk about the seasons - spring, summer, autumn and winter - and the weather that they bring, but what causes them and when do they begin and end?

What causes the seasons? The seasons are a result of the 23.5 degrees of tilt of Earth's rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the Sun. This tilt means that throughout Earth's orbit around the Sun (our calendar year) certain areas of the globe are tilted towards the Sun, while other areas


, and air quality. PWSCG outcomes required in this theme: Improvements should be made to accuracy of forecasts: o o The actual accuracy of precipitation forecasts should improve (this includes rain and snow): o Will it be wet or dry? o When will it start and stop? o Where exactly will it occur? o How


and season. • The climate service received excellent feedback from users, with 100% of respondents wanting to see the briefings repeated the following winter. Winter weather has a significant impact on the supply of energy. For example stormy conditions can damage overhead electricity cables, cause

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