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issued and those that were tended to be for convective rainfall events. There was a wet start for a period in June then overall some short periods of heat reaching a max of 34 degrees. The temperature for the period was +0.6⁰C above the long term average. A persistent challenge especially for the summer


. The Atlantic depressions are more vigorous in autumn and winter and most of the rain which falls in those seasons in the south west is from this source. In summer, convection caused by solar surface heating sometimes forms shower clouds and a large proportion of rainfall falls from showers


. The Atlantic depressions are more vigorous in autumn and winter and most of the rain which falls in those seasons in the south west is from this source. In summer, convection caused by solar surface heating sometimes forms shower clouds and a large proportion of rainfall falls from showers


. But in industries such as transport, renewable energy and food security, people need to look further ahead to what the next season, few years or even decades, could hold. Over the past four years, the Met Office has been coordinating a ground-breaking project to improve climate services in Europe: EUPORIAS. 11


and Asia Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Danish International Development Agency Department for International Development European Union European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands Gesellschaft für


., 2022) and with these 30 grouped together into 8 patterns (McSweeney & Thornton, 2020). Both approaches find that the weather types compare well with recent observations in the recent climate. Both also project a tendency towards more wet and unsettled conditions over the UK in winter under a high


and infrastructure more resilient to high impact weather. To do so requires assessment of worst-case scenarios: how bad could it be? The wet winter of 2013/14 brought widespread flooding to the UK. Is this the wettest winter season that we should expect in a present-day climate? The risks from compound


. These are available from their respective websites. The heatwave ‘season’ is defined as 1st June to 15th September; although the arrangements described in this section would equally apply outside of these dates were the requisite high temperatures to occur. Heatwave planning forecast The heatwave planning

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