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Thunderstorms then a windy weekend

. The all-time record in the UK is 38.5° C at Faversham on 10 August 2003.  The dry spell has been most prolonged in East Anglia and Southeast England. Most especially much of East Anglia and Cambridgeshire, extending through Essex into London and also around Bournemouth and Southampton.  Parts


Climate change glossary

area of the United Kingdom enclosed by Bristol, Lancashire and London. Central estimate The level at which half of possible outcomes lie above and half below; often referred to as the median. CO2 carbon dioxide, a gas in Earth's atmosphere. It occurs naturally and is also a by-product of human



and vocabulary to describe the weather for over 40 years and it’s important that they are still relevant. It’s become apparent from recent studies that different regions interpret language and information uniquely. For example, in January we found that two-fifths of people living in London described

PowerPoint Presentation

A Brief Summary of L5 Mission Concepts Nat Gopalswamy NASA/GSFC L5 Consortium Meeting, London, May 11-14, 2015 Dst Mariner 2: Off & Above the Sun-Earth Line 1962/10/07 15:46 UT C P Sonett (1924 -2011) Mariner II IP shock followed by a Sudden Commencement 4.7 h later - confirmed Gold (1953


Met Office Board Summary 30 November 2022 Held at Microsoft, Paddington, London • Rob Woodward (Chair) welcomed attendees and confirmed the meeting was quorate. He welcomed Damitha Adikaari (Director - Science & Innovation for Climate & Energy (SICE), BEIS) and Felicity Howe from the BEIS


Are you WeatherReady?

people, with 63% of those eligible saying they would check on neighbours or relatives. Wales is next with 60%, the Midlands reached 57%, Scotland 56%, southern England and eastern England each reached 52%. London had just 44% of those who were eligible stating that they would check on a vulnerable


New research shows increasing frequency of extreme rain

times in the same period.  RCP 8.5 is a pathway where greenhouse gas emissions keep accelerating. This is not inevitable, but a plausible scenario if we do not curb our emissions. An example of an intense rainfall event with 20mm/hr is London in July 2021, when 40mm of rain fell over three hours at Kew


IAP missions in China facing a changing world Guoxiong Wu Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China The WCSSP Workshop, 23 rd Sep, 2019, London, UK Contents • IAP at a Glance • The Climate Challenge facing in China • Research related to the “Challenge” at IAP • Future

History of numerical weather prediction

ensemble Recognising that convective scale detail has limited predictability due to short length scales and rapid chaotic error growth, the UKV model was complemented with a 2.2 km UKV-based ensemble, MOGREPS-UK, which was first demonstrated for the London 2012 Olympic Games (Golding et al., 2014


and the Channel Islands. The main factor determining the distribution of temperature is nearness to the coast, particularly the west coast. Temperatures are lower inland than near the coast. In July, the warmest areas are around London, and the coolest are in parts of Scotland. Areas near the coast

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