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is the main type of airmass covering the region and what kind of weather can we expect from it? How strong is the wind likely to be and what will its direction be? Fig xx-x: Synoptic Chart 28 February 2022, valid at 1200 UTC In this case study the UK is dominated by an anticyclone centred over northern


Weather conditions

Winter High pressure in the winter often leads to cold, dry days, with light winds. Severe nighttime frosts can develop if skies are clear. Sometimes, stratocumulus cloud can become established leading to several days of no sunshine, which furthermore suppress daytime temperatures. Possible hazardous

Dr Victoria Chapman

for an environmental consultancy as a GIS and Business Developer Consultant, delivering a variety of projects for national government, regulatory and corporate clients. Victoria has held several postdoctoral research positions at Birmingham and Oxford University. Projects worked on include assessing snow and light


Don’t get caught out by the weather this summer

 singled out as a reason for being caught out by severe weather. With much of the country likely to be changing their habits in light of restrictions on international travel, the Met Office’s WeatherReady initiative aims to help people make the most of the summer weather, while also taking small

Microsoft Word - 2021_05_july_northern_ireland_temperature.docx

to evacuate 100 patients due to a power outage from flooding, and lightning strikes also caused some power outages. Weather data The analysis chart at 1200UTC 21 July 2021 shows high pressure dominating the UK’s weather with clear skies and light winds, with frontal systems blocked to the south-west

PowerPoint Presentation

variation, the rainfall patterns over the next 3-6 months are expected to be strongly influenced by the ongoing mature La Niña event across the tropical Pacific. 3-Month Outlook December to February - Rainfall The latest statement from the NOAA Climate Prediction Centre / NCEP states that “La Niña


Weather Rainfall distribution Visibility Hazards Sunday Morning Wide spread thunder rain Moderate Variable Moderate waves Wide spread thunder rain Many places Moderate Sunday Afternoon Moderate West Smallwaves Sunny intervals Good Night before midnight Light West Smallwaves Partly cloudy Night


the following controls: o Relative humidity (RH): for general mixed media collections, 40-60% RH with less than a 10% fluctuation in any 24 hour period o Temperature: 18 – 25 degrees centigrade o Visible light: 50 – 250 lux, depending on the light sensitivity of the item o UV radiation: less than 75


. (Not from UK civil aerodromes) 5 Present weather + = Heavy (well developed in the case of +FC and +PO); - = Light; no qualifier = Moderate. BC=Patches BL=Blowing BR=Mist DR=Drifting DS=Duststorm DU=Dust DZ=Drizzle FC=Funnel cloud FG=Fog FU=Smoke FZ=Freezing GR=Hail (>5mm) GS=Small hail or snow pellets


of view one of the key things in his book is a study of optics; in this case reflection and refraction. By experimenting with light Magnus realised that the only way a rainbow could be formed was if raindrops were spherical. Considering the nature of white light itself was not understood until the work

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