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in the south Asian summer monsoon and in parts of the extratropical North Atlantic Ocean, with wet biases over the Indonesian warm pool. In the Indian ocean sector, wet biases occur off the coast of Madagascar in DJF (in the region associated with the southern lobe of the Indian Ocean dipole (Behera


regions, especially in the northern part of the continent, weather conditions can change rapidly and a short dry spell can still lead to high fire activity even during a wetter than average season - please see Figure 8a showing fire trends and accumulated hot pixels in the Technical Information section


season total rainfall and seasonal average temperature have significant correlations with crop yield. With improved seasonal forecasts, there is potential to provide information on timescales relevant to agriculture and food security decisions, provided information is communicated in appropriate

Microsoft Word - 2024_02_storm_isha_jocelyn_v1.docx

Storms Isha and Jocelyn, 21 to 24 January 2024 Storms Isha and Jocelyn, the ninth and tenth named storms of the 2023-2024 storm season, arrived in quick succession in late January 2024. The storms were influenced by a powerful jet stream which was intensified by a large contrast in temperature


of findings from the Climate risk report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Drier on average, but rainfall events may be more intense Zone 4: Lowlands of Iran Hotter throughout the year, days above 35 °C more frequent Wetter and drier futures plausible, and rainfall events may be more


is important, here we only present seasonal mean quantities for the June to August (JJA) season, the most active season for TCs in the WNP; the Technical Report shows the results for all seasons. This analysis serves as a starting point to help build physical understanding to underpin analysis


Storm Dennis Storm Dennis was the fourth named storm of the 2019/2020 season. Arriving one week after storm Ciara, Dennis brought heavy and persistent rain across much of the UK – especially Wales and western England. Western upland parts of the UK received 50 to 100mm or more of rain falling


May 2020 becomes the sunniest calendar month on record

2020 also exceeds the sunshine amount for most summer seasons, with only three summers being sunnier (1976, 1995, and 1989). The figure for England is even higher. Spring 2020 recorded 696 hours of sunshine, exceeding the previous record set of 594.3 hours All UK countries have recorded their sunniest


that is used to measure the air pressure around us. Pressure is important as it can tell us about what kind of weather to expect; when the pressure is high, we can usually expect clear skies and light winds, when the pressure is low we can usually expect wet and windy weather. You can find more information

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