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Wales and from Cornwall to Kent. The highest gusts recorded were 93 kn (107 m.p.h.) at Aberporth in west Wales and at Gwennap Head in Cornwall. The return period (average frequency of occurrence) of the maximum gusts was estimated at more than 100 years at places from Dorset to west London. Highest

Rob Allan

component of the initiative. Such projects are the OldWeather and Data Rescue at Home citizen science projects, the Sailsproject (Shipping Archives and Integrated Logbooks of Ships) and, with the Centre for e-Research, King's College London, looking at historic sources for weather in order


Warm end to the week

to be in the high teens or even low 20°Cs overnight, especially in urban areas such as London.” We're going to be seeing a hot end to the week across many parts of the UK☀️ Here's Aidan with the details 👇 — Met Office (@metoffice) June 16, 2022 Heatwave criteria A UK


Was summer 2018 the hottest on record?

is available for iPhone from the App store and for Android from the Google Play store. *Central England Temperature covers a roughly triangular area of the UK, enclosed by Bristol, Lancashire and London. The monthly series begins in 1659, and is the longest available instrumental record of temperature in the world.

Summer resources for journalists

to astronomical summer. The highest temperatures in summer tend to be seen around London and the southeast, with the coolest temperatures experienced throughout Scotland and Northern England. Summers naturally have much variability, so this does change day-to-day. The UK in summer can experience blocking


side. � JS reviewed the main points of the MOSAC response and BH agreed he would feedback to MOSAC members. � John Neilson informed the Board that this was likely to be the last meeting he would attend. JH and PR, on behalf of the Board, thanked John sincerely for his input, especially the work done and common sense he had brought to bear during the transfer from MoD to BIS. � The next meeting was confirmed as London (Mar 27th) � Close of Meeting


Heatwave continues for parts of UK – August 2020

was recorded at both Heathrow and Kew Gardens, Greater London, making it the warmest August day since 2003. It's been very #hot in the southeast this afternoon with temperatures widely above 30°C 🌡️ Heathrow and Kew Gardens have now reached 36.4°C, making it the hottest August day since 2003 #UKheatwave

Robert FitzRoy and the early Met Office

the Atlantic Ocean, in order to protect life and property at sea. The earliest information to be collected by the office was daily weather data, recorded at 9am at set locations, known as stations, around the British and Irish coasts and sent to the Meteorological Office in London by the new telegraph


L5 mission from the perspective of the ESA SSA system → Juha-Pekka Luntama ESA SSA Programme Office European Space Agency Science from an Operational Mission: An L5 Consortium Meeting 11-14 May 2015 London, UK ESA SSA SWE Segment Objectives Detection and forecasting of the Space Weather events

Weather science technical reports

of Convective Forecasts to Driving and Regional Models During the 2020 Hazardous Weather Testbed Flack, D.L.A.; Bain, C.; Warner, J. 2021 647 Investigating How the Choice of Stratospheric Meteorological Data Influences Volcanic Ash Forecasts Within the London VAAC Area of Responsibility Stebbing, N

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