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Met Office Industry Climate Week

On 24-28 May 2021 we held the first Met Office Industry Climate Week to explore some of the climate challenges and opportunities facing business and industry.

Content What is Industry Climate Week?  Content highlights Interview with Head of Markets Where to find us on social media  What is Industry Climate Week?  We know the climate is changing and that no matter what mitigation efforts we take now, we will experience some level of warming in the future

Everyday actions to tackle climate change

Simple everyday actions to help mitigate against or adapt to climate change

If you are thinking about where you can start in helping reduce your emissions or adapt your life to our changing climate, the suggestions below are straightforward actions for you and your household - click on the links to take you to further information. Change the way you travel Consider home

Weather and climate stories P4C activities

These activities will prompt your group to think of 'big questions' about weather and climate and develop their critical and independent thinking, while nurturing open-mindedness, questioning and curiosity. Click the icon to download in English     P4C questions and stimuli (PDF 66.1KB)       P4C

Climate and climate change

Earth’s energy budget and climate sensitivity

Find out more about Earth’s energy budget and climate sensitivity

years have come from combining several strands of evidence, including process understanding from model simulations, knowledge of past climate states, and quantification of changes in Earth’s energy budget over the historical record. These advances mean that the uncertainty in climate sensitivity

Central Africa climate risk report

Climate risk report for the Central Africa region

The climate risk report for the Central Africa region is part of a series of standardised regional climate risk reports the Met Office is producing in collaboration with ODI.   Understanding future climate risks depends on analysing both future climate conditions, and the socio-economic


Southern England: climate This describes the main features of the climate of Southern England from Kent westwards to Wiltshire and Dorset Much of the eastern half of this area is densely populated, as it includes Greater London and centres of population such as Reading, Slough, Southampton

Seasonal Climate Outlooks user guide

The aim of the product is to provide seasonal climate information, reviewing the last 3 months and looking forward 3-6 months, so that readers are informed of the climate variability affecting various countries.   The skill of long-range outlooks varies with the time of year and with location, due

Download all climate change activities

We understand more and more about climate change every day, as thousands of scientists all over the world study its causes and effects.

Climate change jargon busting An engaging card game to get young people’s heads around key climate change terms. Exploring climate change data An activity to work out how climate change is measured and how to interpret data.   Click the icon to download in English     Climate change activities

Weather and climate stories P4C activities

These activities will prompt your group to think of 'big questions' about weather and climate and develop their critical and independent thinking, while nurturing open-mindedness, questioning and curiosity. Click the icon to download in English     P4C questions and stimuli (PDF 65.8KB)       P4C


Supercomputing leap in weather and climate forecasting

Met Office and Microsoft join forces to build world’s most powerful weather and climate forecasting supercomputer in UK

The Met Office has signed a multimillion-pound agreement with Microsoft for the provision of a world-leading supercomputing capability that will take weather and climate forecasting to the next level and help the UK stay safe and thrive, announced today on Earth Day (22 April). This new

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