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NCIC Monthly Summary

Glamorgan); it was also cool with temperatures not exceeding 14.5 °C at Lake Vyrnwy (Powys). The 31st was generally cloudy with patchy light rain or scattered showers. Scotland diary of highlights The first part of the month was showery and unsettled, though with some warm days to start with. Towards

NCIC Monthly Summary

Airport suffered delays and cancellations, whilst later that day over 50 people were stranded on the A85 near Crianlarich where a rest centre was hastily convened for the overnight period. The weekend of the 17th/18th saw the cold spell finally relent, and on the 18th much of the Pennines, North

China Weather

, strong winds and frequent light snow in the mountains. High pressure forms over the plateau in winter, and as a result it can be very dry but extremely cold, with a frost for months at a time. During the summer warm air is drawn into the region by the monsoon winds which brings rain to the plateau

Where is hot in May?

and May sees a typically high average daily maximum temperature of 32.3 °C. Humidity is also high at around 83% which, combined with light winds at this time of year, make for a very warm climate. Daily temperature ranges are also relatively minimal meaning nighttimes are also extremely warm. To escape


that is used to measure the air pressure around us. Pressure is important as it can tell us about what kind of weather to expect; when the pressure is high, we can usually expect clear skies and light winds, when the pressure is low we can usually expect wet and windy weather. You can find more information

PowerPoint Presentation

). While forecasts looking this far ahead are inherently uncertain, particularly when issued at this time of year, there is a consistent message emerging from many international modelling centres. Much More Likely Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal Likely Likely Much More Likely Climate Outlook



is most prominent when light/moderate rain falls on sandy or clay soils. During heavy rain, the speed of the drops represses the creation of  bubbles stopping the release of aerosols. It is thought by some scientists that our reliance on rain in cultures throughout history may be the reason why so many


Cumulus clouds

a variety of other cumulus variations Cumulus congestus - these are taller than they are wide, looking like long chimneys capable of producing light showers Cumulus fractus - these are the broken remnants of cumulus clouds that are breaking up or 'dissipating.'


the Customer Centre on: Tel: 0370 900 0100 Fax: 0370 900 5050 Email: [email protected] If you are outside the UK: Tel: +44 330 135 0000 Fax: +44 330 135 0050 Introduction Have you ever wondered about the weather around the United Kingdom and perhaps the world? Would you like to know where


Good Friday: but not so good on Easter Monday

of sunshine, especially in the west. However, eastern coastal stretches are likely to be cloudier, bringing some light rain or showers and perhaps some fog patches from the North Sea. It will be a chilly start to Good Friday with a frost in many western areas, although regions under sunnier skies

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