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Confirmation that 2019 concludes warmest decade

The annual global temperature figures for 2019 confirm that the past decade was the warmest on record.

The data also show that the past five years were the warmest in the 170-year series. The balance of evidence using multiple data sets suggests that 2019, a year without a strong classical El Niño, is the second warmest year for annual global temperatures in records that begin in 1850. Only 2016 has


UK climate continues to change in 2021

over the whole year it might seem rather unremarkable, however it is telling that whereas we consider 2021 as near-average for temperature in the context of the current climate, had this occurred just over three decades ago it would have been one of the UK’s warmest years on record. “Although 1°C


Record-breaking April sunshine

It was the sunniest April on record for the UK, according to a provisional analysis of the month’s climate statistics by the Met Office. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland record sunniest April All UK countries made it in the top five sunniest since records in a series from 1929. England


Met Office provides data for global climate report

A new multi-agency global report is highlighting the changes seen throughout the climate system at the end of the warmest decade on record.

A new multi-agency global report – published today - is highlighting the changes seen throughout the climate system at the end of the warmest decade on record. The Met Office is one of a network of centres contributing to the World Meteorological Organization’s Statement of the State of the Global


UK prepares for historic hot spell

challenging the UK record of 38.7°C set in July 2019. “Even higher maximum temperatures will develop tomorrow with a 70% chance of somewhere in England exceeding 40°C. A value of this level would exceed the current UK record by 1.3°C or more. This is akin to a marathon runner shaving 20 minutes off


New official highest temperature in UK confirmed

A recording of 38.7°C at Cambridge Botanic Garden on Thursday 25 July has become the highest temperature officially recorded in the UK.

high temperatures gripped large parts of central and western Europe last week, the UK joins Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands in breaking national temperature records.   The recording was taken at the University of Cambridge Botanic Garden - which houses a Met Office climate observation site


Top ten UK’s hottest years all since 2002

An updated analysis of the annual UK temperature records from the Met Office shows that since 1884 all of the UK’s ten warmest years have occurred since 2002; whereas none of the ten coldest years have occurred since 1963.

historic weather records. Dr Mark McCarthy is the head of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre. Commenting on the extension of the temperature series, he said: “Looking back further into the UK’s weather reveals a very interesting timeline with the top ten warmest years at the most recent

Microsoft Word - 2023_05_september_heatwave.docx

Heatwave, September 2023 In early September the UK experienced a significant heatwave with daily maximum temperatures exceeding 30°C somewhere in the UK for seven consecutive days from 4th to 10th and reaching 31 to 32°C across south-east England. On 10th, Faversham (Kent) recorded 33.5°C, making


Provisional new record for highest temperature in UK

Following yesterday’s exceptionally hot weather, provisional figures received by the Met Office today could challenge the UK’s highest temperature on record.

July temperature. Dr Mark McCarthy from the National Climate Centre (NCIC) at the Met Office said: “As the official source of meteorological statistics for the UK, we take the quality of our recordings very seriously.  We are talking about a potential new record for the highest temperature recorded

West Africa climate risk report

Climate risk report for the West Africa region

The climate risk report for the West Africa region is part of a series of standardised regional climate risk reports the Met Office is producing in collaboration with ODI.    Understanding future climate risks depends on analysing both future climate conditions, and the socio-economic

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