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needs can be. Ekoporus is a 52-year-old pastoral farmer living in Northern Kenya. He has six herds of livestock, including 200 goats and 50 cows. The unpredictable weather has made work very difficult for Ekoropus, as he can longer rely on the traditional wet season during February and March. Albert


Storm Ciara Storm Ciara was the third named storm of the 2019/2020 season and the most severe storm of the winter season so far. Amber warnings were issued for both strong wind and heavy rain. Winds gusted at over 60Kt widely across England and Wales and in terms of gust speeds this was the most

PowerPoint Presentation

of Wind for DJF and JJA Fig 6. Projections of Precipitation for Winter (DJF) and Summer (JJA) of 2050s Results � • Validation: Fig 2 to Fig 4 T: DJF-model>obs; JJA-model<obs (Fig 2) P: DJF-model wetter; JJA-model drier (Fig 3) W: model predicted less strength of Westerlies than obs for both seasons (Fig

Microsoft Word - 2020_01_storm_brendan.docx

Storms Atiyah (December 2019) and Brendan (January 2020) Storm Atiyah was the first named storm of the 2019/2010 season. The storm was named by Met Eireann, with the worst impacts across Ireland, but the storm also brought some very strong winds to Wales and south-west England overnight 8 to 9


Meteorological Service of the UK, and is backed up by the Toulouse VAAC operated by Meteo France. Reciprocally the London VAAC backs-up the Toulouse VAAC for dispersion of volcanic ash originating from volcanoes in continental Europe, western Asia and Africa. This document explains the current

Microsoft Word - PRECIS_Experimental_Design_Dawit.doc

northwards (Figure 4). Regime C that comprises the south and south-eastern part of Ethiopia has two distinct wet and dry seasons. The main rain season is from February through May, and short rains from 2 October to November, and the dry periods are June to September and December to February (Figure 5


is with a baseball player (or to choose another sport, a cricketer) who starts taking steroids and afterwards hits on average 20% more home runs (or sixes) in a season than he did before (Meehl 2012). For any one of his home runs (sixes) during the years the player was taking steroids, you would


. In the past few decades there has been an increase in annual average rainfall over the UK, particularly in Scotland for which the most recent decade (2008-2017) has been on average 4% wetter than 1981-2010 average. Summers in the UK, for the most recent decade (2008-2017), have been on average 17


Cold snap marks the end of a mild, wet Autumn

Despite cold weather closing out autumn, it has been a mild season overall, especially across the southern half of the UK.

Wales this was the warmest autumn on record, marginally warmer than 2011 and 2006. Autumn rainfall It has been a wet autumn across the UK, except for western Scotland, with parts of eastern Scotland, north-east and eastern England, southern England and the east of Northern Ireland receiving over 150


RBG. These show that the frost-free season is o en as little as 3 months. Back to top Sunshine The number of hours of bright sunshine is controlled by the length of day and by cloudiness. In general, December is the dullest month and May or June the sunniest. Sunshine duration decreases

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