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* in the south, Very Wet in parts of the northeast * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia: April to January Current Status 10 Current Status – Southern Asia Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall April May June April May

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the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia: November to August Current Status 10 Current Status – Southern Asia Current Status: Temperature Current Status: Rainfall November December January November December January Pakistan Hot Hot Hot Wet Dry Normal India Hot Hot Hot (3) Mixed (1) Mixed (2) Normal

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across the country (2) Note: Large variations but many areas wet or very wet (3) Note: Hot in the west, cold in the east (4) Note: Wet in the east * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia: February to November Current Status 13


from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center and the IRI Map Room: Additional Information: (1) Note: Very dry in the west and wet in the far northeast * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia

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, southern India and Sri Lanka have seen above normal rainfall, particularly during January. However, after above normal precipitation in November, many parts of Central Asia have been drier than normal. Southeast China has also been drier than normal. Outlook: For the next three months, wetter than normal

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the NOAA Climate Prediction Center and the IRI Map Room: Additional Information: (1) Note: Dry in the far south, wet in the far north, normal elsewhere * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia

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wetter than normal conditions are likely in southern and western Myanmar. This is consistent with the forecast for the Indian Monsoon. Across Southeast Asia, much of Indonesia and Vietnam drier than normal conditions are likely, and it is likely to be wetter than normal across northern Sumatra

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- Temperature Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal Very Likely Likely Likely Very Likely Climate Outlook Asia: August to May Overview 3 Asia Current Status and Outlook - Rainfall Current Status: For the last three months, the wetter than normal conditions across large areas of southern Asia have moved

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of the country was hot, Java and islands to the east were cold. ^^Note: Highly variable, all areas normal or wet/very wet * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia: December to September Current Status 13 Outlooks Outlooks – Notes for use

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. (3) Note: Wet in the north, normal elsewhere. (4) Note: Wet in the west, normal elsewhere. * Region usually experiences less than 10mm/month rainfall during the month (dry season). Climate Outlook Asia: May to February Current Status 10 Current Status – Southern Asia Current Status: Temperature

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