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of +/- 1 °C. The table below provides average values. Smoothed trend lines used here and throughout the report are described in Annex 2. 9 Spring Summer Autumn Winter Temperature anomaly (°C) 1°C 1°C 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Season 1961-1990


to be drier and cooler seasons wetter. This also means that any correlations found between crop yields and either of these variables are not mutually exclusive, and so multivariate correlation will be explored in Section 3.5. Figure 4: Scatter plot of WFDEI JAS season total precipitation against


is gained. A climate of a particular place is often described in seasonal periods (e.g. summer/ winter or rainy/ dry season) over the cycle of the year. The climate can also naturally vary between different years due to the process of Earth system cycles, especially those associated with large


July 2019: a month in UK climate statistics

on from a largely wet June, northern England and the Midlands have now received more than the season’s usual rainfall, with August still to go. Tim Legg, of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre, said: “With an all-time temperature record it would be easy to assume that this summer


Mixed bag of weather for the Easter weekend

: “The Easter period will bring a variety of Spring weather from sunshine and showers, to more prolonged cloudy and wet conditions, along with some snow in the north: chiefly over the hills. So, there will be opportunities to get outside and enjoy the weekend, and you can use the rainfall radar

Recent trends and future projections of UK storm activity

years, however (Fung et al., 2018). Projected changes in future rainfall vary depending on which season you are looking at, with summers likely to become significantly drier while winters become wetter, along with an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperature and rainfall events


. They are counties in Western Region, which have a much wetter climate than Tana River County. Consequently, flooding is the main hazard and can be severe, including through flooding of the Nyando river. The main rainfall and flooding season is MAM, but floods can also occur in OND. Despite the generally wetter


that falls in these seasons. In summer, convection caused by solar surface heating sometimes forms shower clouds and a large proportion of rain falls from showers and thunderstorms then. A further factor that greatly affects the rainfall distribution is altitude. Moist air that is forced to ascend hills


2022 provisionally warmest year on record for UK

All four seasons have fallen in the top ten in a series which began in 1884 and the 10 warmest years have all occurred since 2003.   As well as setting a new 139-year annual mean temperature record, 2022 will also be remembered for several other significant weather events.  Exceptionally warm start

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2013

All tropical cyclones in the northern hemisphere season in 2013 are listed below including details of their start and end dates and maximum sustained wind (MSW). Qualitative comments are included on the performance of the Met Offi

season's average for this subtropical storm added to the database in post season reanalysis. North Atlantic observed tracks in 2013 North Atlantic tropical cyclone names North Indian (forecast track charts for Global and South Asia models shown) Name & ID Start & end dates 1-/10-minute MSW Comments on Met

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