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Marine climate change projections

UKCP18 and recent marine climate change projections Summary material on the UKCP findings. UKCP18: Marine climate change (PDF - 442kB) Probabilistic and sea level projections Key results from the probabilistic projections and the sea level projections to 2100 are available as a spreadsheet

UK Climate Projections (UKCP)

The UK Climate Projections (UKCP) is a set of tools and data that shows you how the UK climate may change in the future.

UKCP summaries and headline findings Get summaries of UKCP data, including headlines from the latest climate change projections for the UK. UKCP summaries and headline findings UKCP data Download UKCP data for your own use. This section will show you what data is available and how you can access

Climate information for international development

Working in partnership with scientific institutions in developing countries to generate and communicate information on climate variability and change

The Climate Information for International Development team is a diverse mix of scientific software engineers and scientists working to generate, analyse and communicate information to a range of customers. Activities include scientific analysis and training, model development, regional climate

The science behind climate change

Climate science is the study of regional and global climate as a system

Climate science is the study of regional and global climate as a system. While meteorologists try to predict forthcoming local weather using detailed analysis of recent patterns, climate scientists aim to understand, and replicate through modelling, how the climate system works as a whole. Climate

Emissions and lags in the climate system

July 2019 - This Research News article provides details of a new Met Office briefing note on how lags in our climate system lead to committed warming under a range of emissions scenarios.

The climate system responds to human influences on a range of different time-scales. Changes in the net amount of the sun’s energy absorbed by the Earth, known as the ‘radiative forcing’, happen quickly in response to emissions of greenhouse gases. For many other climate metrics there is a slower


Midlands: climate The Midlands area includes the Cotswold Hills to the south, the Northamptonshire uplands to the east, the Peak District to the north and is bounded by the Welsh border to the west. It includes the Severn and Avon valleys, with their rivers flowing to the south, and the valley


Projects in Africa Why Africa needs improved climate information Rapid population growth and development in Sub-Saharan Africa are increasing the region’s vulnerability to climate variability and change. Weather extremes have the capacity to impact on people’s lives, threatening infrastructure

Legacy UK climate series

Access to the previous version of UK climate data

The Met Office national climate series are constructed from the HadUK-Grid dataset. This dataset and these series are updated annually as a new release. This page provides a reference to the legacy versions of the climate series for users who may wish to compare or analyse the changes that have

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