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Satellite image of the month - 2023

mountain range. The first snowfall of the season can be seen to have covered much of the Alps, from the mountain areas of Austria at its eastern end and right across to the south-western end, near the French/Italian border north of Nice. Credits: Image: © Crown copyright, Met Office, Data: NOAA/NASA


. Climate risks to maize are many. It is susceptible to erratic rainfall during wet season. Yields will decrease or the crop will be spoilt in extreme heat. Maize is grown in higher rainfall areas at the edges of the rainy season through early and late planting. Maize does not like waterlogging

슬라이드 1

� real-time usable HF frequency for airlines, ships, military, etc � expanded the model coverage to East Asia in 2014 Way Pt.#1 Way Pt.#2 Way Pt.#3 Way Pt #1 Way Pt #2 Way Pt #3 Tx Way Pt #1 Way Pt #2 Way Pt #3 Rx Seoul Radio Station Lat. (°) OO.OO OO.OO OO.OO OO.OO Lon. (°) OOO.OO OOO.OO OOO.OO OOO.OO

Costa del Sol weather

and February are about 14 °C. Winter is a wet season for the resort with December being the wettest month of the year with an average rainfall at 100mm. The Costa del Sol receives between 5 and 7 hours of daily sunshine in the winter. Spring & Autumn The Costa del Sol enjoys comfortable and warm


decrease is about 15%. However, some basins in south and east Asia are projected to see increased flow in all simulations. Flows in the Ganges increase by up to 90% at 1.5°C and by up to 130% at 2°C. Figure 2. Range of projected changes in flow in major river basins at 2°C and 1.5°C global warming

Microsoft Word - 2023_09_storm_ciaran_2.docx

Catherine’s Point (Isle of Wight) recorded 953.6hPa, England’s lowest November pressure on record. Ciarán also brought further significant and unwelcome heavy rainfall on top of persistent wet weather through much of October. Impacts The worst of the impacts from storm Ciarán occurred across


a big impact on UK weather, particularly by determining the position of the North Atlantic Storm track in winter. For example, read about the influence of the jet stream on the unusually wet October 2019 ( uk/2019/11/04/the-jet-stream-casts-its-shadow-over-the-uk


of August 2016 Date of issue: 1/8/2016 Period of forecast: 1/8/2016 to 31/8/2016 Forecast for all of Busia County (zones 1, 2, 3 and 4) The first half of the month is likely to start dry but become wetter towards the end. Busia Central (zone 3) and Teso North (zone 4) are likely to receive more


Warmest Autumn on record for Northern Ireland

with 31.3°C recorded at Castlederg during July. The near-record mean temperatures for Autumn were spurred on by a September that was the second warmest on record for the UK, followed by a warm and wet October that saw mean temperatures at 1.4°C above average. November also had above-average mean

Microsoft Word - 2020_10_storm_aiden.docx

Storm Aiden 31 October 2020 Storm Aiden 1 brought strong winds and heavy rain to the UK on 31 October 2020. The storm was part of a spell of turbulent, wet and very windy weather from late October to early November as a succession of deep Atlantic low pressure systems, associated with a powerful

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