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of a La Niña event developing. 3-Month Outlook September to November - Rainfall According to CPC, the chance of La Niña developing in the period September-November is around 66%, rising to 74% in the early winter (November-January). However, other centres (such as BoM) have predictions which are much

Future weather and climate risks

What are the future risks we face from weather and climate change? This is a question the Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme helps answer, by looking at a range of possible climate scenarios.

are two state-of-the-art climate models. We use these to study the Earth-system and climate. They are both the result of years of work, featuring a host of advances over previous models. Read more about UKESM1 and HadGEM3-GC3.1 Research from the Met Office Hadley Centre Scientists at the Met Office

Microsoft PowerPoint - UKCP18_CPM_launch_kendon_Sept19-20190926

model is able to capture the heavy nature of showers. The Regional 12km model tends to underestimate the intensity of showers, giving more widespread light rainfall. 9 Working together on UK Climate Projections Local (2.2km) better represents cold winter days and the number of intense cold spells


. He explained that a ‘café’ is an English word borrowed from French which means a small restaurant selling light meals. He however, explained that in a climate café people don’t come to have light meals but have a light though important discussion on climate. He emphasized that what happens


. Wind direction is given in degrees true 8000 ‘Eight kilometres’ 9999 = 10 km or more; 0000 = less than 50 metres 7 Significant weather -SHRA ‘Light rain showers’ See present weather table on METAR (page 18) for details; NSW = No significant weather 8 Cloud FEW005 SCT010 SCT018CB BKN025 9 Significant


Satellite image of the month - 2017

observed in the UK were a result of the dust and smoke in the atmosphere scattering the light from the rising sun. Particles of this size scatter more radiation from the blue part of the spectrum so that more of the red/yellow wavelengths of light will reach the eyes of an observer on the ground. Some

Thunder and lightning

A thunderstorm is a series of sudden electrical discharges resulting from atmospheric conditions. These discharges result in sudden flashes of light and trembling sound waves, commonly known as thunder and lightning.

Thunderstorms are a series of sudden electrical discharges resulting from atmospheric conditions. These discharges result in sudden flashes of light and trembling sound waves, commonly known as thunder and lightning. Thunder and lightning are associated with convective clouds and are often accompanied by heavy rain or hail.

World Area Forecast System (WAFS) - upcoming changes

World Area Forecast Centre (WAFC) London, the UK Met Office, and WAFC Washington National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are constantly looking at ways in which the WAFS data sets can be improved and evolve to meet the changing needs of the aviation industry.  These new and improved

Optical effects

When light is reflected, refracted, scattered or diffracted, it creates incredible displays of colour and shape, whether it’s a rainbow or crepuscular rays.

Light can be reflected (from a mirror or water’s surface), refracted (as it passes through a raindrop), scattered (by particles of dust in the air) or diffracted (like a corona around the Moon) either individually or by a combination of the above. When it does so, we can see some breath-taking and rare phenomena.


rain PM many - KMD (142 characters) Expanded into normal speech, this means: Here is the Trans-Nzoia County weekly forecast for the period April 19 th to 25 th . Light rain is likely to fall in a few places within climatic zones 1 and 2 on Wednesday afternoon. But moderate rainfall is likely in many

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