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Climate sensitivity and feedbacks

Understanding and quantifying the most important feedback processes operating in the climate system.

An important aspect of this work is to use both models and observations to try to establish links between physical processes operating in past, present and future climates. This involves the development and refinement of diagnostics and metrics for assessing model performance, and for isolating

UK climate extremes

the required section. These pages are a source of information for those interested in the climate of the UK. UK Climate pages are updated each month to reflect the latest month's weather across the UK. Weather extremes The tables show the national weather records. To ensure consistency, these weather

Climate risk reports

The climate is changing, and we are already seeing many of the effects of this change in the world around us. Action to reduce greenhouse gas emission is critical to limit warming in the long term, but whatever mitigation action is taken, we are already committed to some level of warming

Causes of climate change

The evidence is clear: the main cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. When burnt, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the air, causing the planet to heat up.

What causes climate change? The climate on Earth has been changing since it formed 4.5 billion years ago. Until recently, natural factors have been the cause of these changes. Natural influences on the climate include volcanic eruptions, changes in the orbit of the Earth, and shifts in the Earth's

Weather and climate consulting

Find out about how we can help you manage the risks and realise the opportunities associated with day-to-day weather, extreme events and future climate conditions.

Weather and climate related impacts are identified by global industry leaders as the most significant risks to their businesses (World Economic Forum – 2018 Global Risk Report). Our consultants work with you to understand how these weather and climate impacts affect your business or industry

Linking hunger and climate

The Hunger and Climate Vulnerability Index aims to paint a regional picture of how much climate change may affect life across the planet

Experts from the World Food Programme (WFP) have worked closely with our climate scientists to devise a measurement of vulnerability to climate change. Taking its definition from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 'vulnerability' describes the relative degrees of climate stress

Climate monitoring and attribution

Developing observational data; monitoring and interpreting climate variations and change.

Climate information and statistics, based on many types of surface, atmospheric and marine measurements, are produced on national to global scales. Climate models are used to attribute causes of past climate change that are seen within the observations. The datasets produced by our scientists are also used by other science areas. Scientific users throughout the world access the data and statistics via the HadObs website.

The Climate Security team

Providing advice on the impact of climate variability and change for security.

Climate science has made huge progress in understanding the dynamics of climate variability and change over the last few decades, with climate models being a valuable tool for understanding the future climate. However, there remains a gap between the type of information climate projections provide

Climate change questions

Climate change is a complicated topic, and lots of people still have questions. Here, we answer the climate change questions we get asked the most, and how we know climate change is happening.

? If more weather stations are in cities, is that why they record higher temperatures? Has the climate changed naturally before? Yes, the climate has been changing since the earliest history of the Earth, long before humans ever existed. For example, during the time of dinosaurs (about 66 to 230

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