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Climate change adaptation

Building resilience to a changing climate

What is climate change adaptation? Adaptation refers to the adjustments needed from individuals, communities and countries in response to changes to our planet’s climate. It is not the same as mitigation, more on which you can find here. If we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, do we still need

State of the UK Climate

Annual publication which provides an up-to-date assessment of the UK climate

- published 25 July 2024  Highlights of the 2023 report The UK’s climate continues to change. Recent decades have been warmer, wetter and sunnier than the 20th Century.  2023 was the second warmest year on record for the UK in the series from 1884, with only 2022 warmer. Six years in the most recent

UK Climate Resilience

This programme draws together fragmented climate research and expertise to deliver robust, multi-disciplinary climate risk and solutions research ensuring the UK is resilient to climate variability and change.

The UK Climate Resilience programme is led by the Met Office and NERC, and we are working in partnership with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA

Weather and climate data

Source accurate and reliable weather and climate data from our comprehensive portfolio.

World-leading science and technical expertise available for businesses, researchers and academics Our extensive portfolio offers a range of global weather and climate data and services to clients across industry, academia and broadcast media. We also supply third party licensed data in the UK


People in weather and climate

Working in weather and climate isn't just about being a meteorologist - there's a whole world of careers out there to explore.

To bring the work of the Met Office to life in the minds of young people, this theme introduces some of the inspiring careers in, and influenced by, weather and climate.

Interpreting climate models

A group challenge to explore the concept of climate change modelling and look at different scenarios for the future

Click the icon to download in English     Interpreting climate models (PDF 1.3MB)        Interpreting climate models presentation slides (PDF 359.6KB)     Cliciwch ar yr eicon i lawrlwytho yn Gymraeg     Dehongli modelau hinsawdd (PDF 993KB)        Dehongli sleidiau cyflwyno modelau hinsawdd (PDF 383.4KB)      

Seasonal Climate Outlooks

What is the Seasonal Climate Outlook? Following the El Nino event in 2015, the Met Office worked with the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the University of Reading to design a new service which would provide insights into the upcoming season and enable more

Understanding climate change

Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in climate change, through understanding and improving the representation of key processes.

This area of research involves the design, building, evaluation and improvement of climate models informed by knowledge of the mechanisms of past, present and future climates. The scientific focus is on gaining understanding and improving the representation of key processes that are critical for climate variability and change on global and regional scales. Related pages Climate change scientists  

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