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Seasonal Climate Outlooks user guide

at a location over time, and the statistical properties of the weather, such as averages, extremes and how variable it is through the year or between years.  By using historic information over a thirty-year period an understanding of the normal climatological range and frequency is gained.   A climate


to a limit of thirty minutes per enquiry in order to ensure fair usage. Our services including the information and records we provide are made available to customers free at the point of use as part of the wider Public Weather Service. All information originating from the Met Office is subject to Crown

An introduction to the PRECIS system

generates between 130 and 540GB of output data, whilst the boundary conditions for a thirty-year experiment occupy 40GB. A hard disk size of at least 500GB is therefore recommended, although with careful data management by the user, smaller disks can be used. If power supplies are unreliable, PRECIS can


Record breaking 2022 indicative of future UK climate

Centre said: “Tide gauge records demonstrate that sea levels around the UK are continuing to rise as water warms and ice sheets melt. 11.4 cm in the past thirty years may not sound like much, but the rate of sea level rise is increasing, and each extra centimetre increases the danger of a major storm


be forgiven for thinking just about anything is a sign of rain: thirty of his thirty two signs in animals and forty two of his forty seven signs in birds are about rain, snow or bad weather. Richard Inwards, Weather Lore 1869 Texts such as these provide a source of amusement in today’s world


average periods 1961-1990 and 1991- 2020, the number of days <2°C has decreased by a third and <0°C by a half within this thirty-year period, as summarized in the table below. Count of days with UK area-average mean temperature < 2°C and <°0C for 30-year long term average periods. Period Meantemp < 2°C Meantemp < 0°C 1961-1990 1085 419 1991-2020 706 207 Author: Mike Kendon, Met Office National Climate Information Centre Last updated 10/01/2023

September 2012 Sea Ice Outlook

since November 2010, we are also able to include the equivalent hindcasts run on the same dates in 2011 and 2012, giving a total of thirty six hindcast values for each year. The forecast ice extent is bias corrected using the mean difference between the observed extent and the mean hindcast extent

UK Climate Resilience programme news

are likely to be impacted by climate change. The study – published in Climate Risk Management – examines the effect of climate change on the dairy and potato farming sectors over the next thirty to fifty years. Find out more    Increases to Agricultural Hazards over the next 50 years - April 2021


own records and analysis Observed Weather Data 28 6 | Weather Services for Building and Project Managers Project Planning & Design Criteria Planning Averages Planning Averages Reports provide expected conditions for a given month at a given location. By looking over a thirty-year period you can

Climate change in the UK

. That's prolonged heat, but extremes become more likely, too. By 2070, the chances of exceeding 40°C are similar to the chances of exceeding 32°C thirty years ago. For regions in the south, the average hottest day in summer could have temperatures reaching 40°C by the 2070s. Increased rainfall and risk

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