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is sheltered from the rain-bearing westerly winds. This shelter reaches its greatest potential along the coasts of East Lothian, Fife and the Moray Firth and these areas receive less than 700 mm of rainfall in an average year. In contrast, the wettest area is the southern Grampians where the average

Kos weather

its wealth. Today the main industry in the area is tourism, as travellers are drawn to the beautiful beaches. The centre of the island, also named Kos, is most attractive to tourists with its whitewash buildings, places to dine and a bustling nightlife. The second industry of Kos is farming


Cold with snow showers for some

to clearer skies. Tonight could be one of the coldest nights of the winter so far, but only in northwest Scotland, where under clear skies the temperature could reach as low as minus 10°C. The current lowest temperature of the 2016/17 winter is -11°C which was recorded at Cromdale in Moray, North


17 October shows Ophelia approaching and tracking across Ireland and Scotland. A visible satellite image of Ophelia at 1153 UTC 16 October 2017. Image copyright Met Office. Rain-radar image of Ophelia at 1200 UTC 16 October 2017. The centre of the storm is over south-west Ireland, corresponding

Volcanic ash

Volcanic ash advisory centre - further information

and international level. These involve aircraft/engine manufacturers and operators, regulators, other meteorological agencies and VAACs, government officials and research centres/academia. Groups include the ICAO led IAVWOPSG, the CAA led VAAG, and the DfT led VAORG and the IUGG/WMO led VASAG. VASAG

Spotlight on the Head of the Met Office Hadley Centre

Introducing Professor Albert Klein-Tank, the new Head of the Met Office Hadley Centre.

Office? It is a great opportunity and, in many ways, it is a dream come true. I have admired the Met Office Hadley Centre for a long time. It is world-renowned, and it is world-class. I have used Met Office observations data since the early days of my climate research career. Also I have

Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme

The Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme (MOHCCP) is a climate research programme funded by the government department DSIT.

The Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme (MOHCCP) plays a vital role in providing relevant scientific evidence for UK government. This evidence supports climate action and helps avoid the worst impacts of climate change for future generations. MOHCCP supports UK government and policy decision

Microsoft Word - 2019_007_july_heatwave.docx

and southern England on the 23rd, and across the south and east on the 24th, but the 25th was by far the hottest day with 30 °C recorded widely as far west as Somerset and East Wales, also much of northern England, Edinburgh, and parts of the Highlands and Moray. The further panel of maps below shows

UK forecast site list feed detailed documentation

National Park" region="he" unitaryAuthArea="Moray"></Location> <Location elevation="7.0" id="3066" latitude="57.6494" longitude="-3.5606" name="Kinloss" region="gr" unitaryAuthArea="Moray"></Location> <Location elevation="6.0" id="3068" latitude="57.712" longitude="-3.322" name="Lossiemouth" region

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