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line over Western Cuba. Weather Forecast 11:89–102 Amador JA (1998) A climatic feature of the tropical Americas: the trade wind easterly jet. Top Meteor Oceanogr 5:1–13 Amador JA, Magaña VO (1999) Dynamics of the low level jet over the Caribbean sea. Preprints, 23rd conference on hurricanes

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also be affected by the La Nina episode. Typically, during a La Nina, the North Atlantic Hurricane Season (June – November, currently above-average with 19 named storms) is slightly more active, Pacific cyclones are more likely to run due west towards the Philippines and Indochina rather than curve


–63 13–18 11 Storm 64–72 19–24 12 Hurricane >=73 25–31 Figure 28. Wind arrows used between January 1914 and December 1924. Wind arrows (ff) used between 1 January 1925 and 29 March 1936 Symbol Beaufort force Wind Speed (mph) Symbol Beaufort force Wind Speed (mph) 0 Calm <1 7 High wind 32–38 1 Light


breeze Gentle breeze Moderate breeze Fresh Breeze Strong breeze 4–7 9 Strong gale 47–54 8–12 10 Whole gale 55–63 13–18 11 Storm 64–72 19–24 12 Hurricane >=73 25–31 Figure 28. Wind arrows used between January 1914 and December 1924. Wind arrows (ff) used between 1 January 1925 and 29 March 1936

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Atlantic Hurricane season can be found here. 3-Month Outlook July to September - Rainfall Much More Likely Below Normal Near-Normal Above Normal Likely Left: Middle East and North Africa Right: Caribbean region Likely Much More Likely Climate Outlook Global: March to December Overview 4 Global Outlook

PWSCG Minutes 24-01-18 Draft 1.0.docx

that people take greater note and perceive an event will be more serious if the storm has a male name. The Met Office were aware of some previous studies in the area in particular with regards to hurricanes in the US. It was agreed that the Secretariat and Met Office would carry out desk research

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storm seasonal forecast for the November to April period: The hurricane season officially ends on the 30th November, although tropical systems can and do develop beyond this point. However, tropical cyclone activity is much less than during the summer half of the year. Above-average activity remains

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outlook: To date (27 th October) there have been eleven named storms and five hurricanes in the Atlantic basin. The season is coming to a close across the region, though further storms cannot be ruled out in November. However, most forecasts suggest any further storms should remain away from land

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Mediterranean regions of northwest Africa (Morocco, Alegria and Tunisia) and southwest Europe. Across the Caribbean it is likely to be drier than normal in the far north and wetter than normal in the far south. Tropical Cyclone outlook: The North Atlantic Hurricane season has now ended, though further storms

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Atlantic Tropical Cyclone outlook (Hurricanes) : For the September to February period, near to slightly above average activity is the most probable outcome, with storms perhaps preferentially affecting the Gulf of Mexico where there are currently above-average sea surface temperatures. More information

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