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Coronation Day 2 June 1953

Tuesday 2 June 1953 (Coronation Day of Queen Elizabeth II) UK weather chart for 12:00 UTC on 2 June 1953 Brief summary of the weather for London A mostly cloudy day with rain or showers. A gentle to moderate north-westerly breeze. Maximum temperature well below average for early June. Data from Kew


  Ground conditions  Sea conditions  Charts, including  Wind and temperature tables  Liquid water content tables  Regional pressure settings  Surface pressure  F215 low level significant weather  F214 spot winds  British Isles analysis chart  Reports, including  London CTA Helicopter Forecast  TAFs, METARs and Aerodrome Warnings  SIGMETs  Regional pressure settings  Volcanic ash advisories   

Dr Siân Lane

of the urban boundary layer in central London, and comparing those observations with output from the Unified Model, with the aim of assessing the ability of the model to simulate urban meteorology. Siân joined the Met Office and has been working at Cardington since 2013.

Dr Julia Lockwood

and risk management. Before joining the Met Office, Julia worked as a post-doc at the Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC) in Madrid.  She obtained her PhD on the study of low mass star formation from University College London, after receiving a first class degree in Natural Sciences (specialising in astrophysics) from the University of Cambridge.

Neural Network Predicts Weather Probabilities

residual neural networks trained on 36 years of re-analysis data can predict global probabilities of 850 hPa temperature and 500 hPa geopotential on 600 km scale with skill out to 5 days. Lead author Mariana Clare, a Mathematics of Planet Earth PhD student at Imperial College London who was seconded

Microsoft Word - 2021_03_high_temperatures.docx

Extremes of temperature, March and April 2021 The UK experienced a brief spell of unusual warmth at the end of March with temperatures across England and Wales widely reaching 20 to 22°C. 24.5°C was recorded at Kew Gardens, Greater London on 30th March, only the third day on record with a UK March

Microsoft Word - 2020_08_storms_ellen_francis.docx

and there were several other fatalities at sea and on land. Wind gusts reached 65Kt (75mph) at Milford Haven and even Northolt, London recorded 52Kt (60mph). One of the most significant storms of this type in recent decades was from the remnants of Hurricane Charley on 25 to 26 August 1986. This storm failed


New board members announced

, panellist and a passionate advocate for diversity, inclusion and fairness. She is currently Director, Resilient Cities at Arcadis - UK, Fellow and Vice President of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Visiting Professor at King's College London and Honorary Professor with University of Wolverhampton


Lessons and legacy of the Great Storm of 1987

, with 94mph recorded at London Weather Centre at 2.50am. An image of an anemogram from Shoreham, West Sussex where a 115mph (100 knot) gust was recorded. This gust was followed by a power cut shown by the gap in the trace. An image of an anemogram from London Weather Centre showing the 94mph gust recorded


................................................................................................... 22 2 ‘A Growing Community Around a Shared Challenge’ 1 Executive Summary The inaugural Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership (WCSSP) Programme Science Workshop was held successfully in late September in London. The workshop represented a unique

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