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Microsoft Word - 2023_08_storm_babet_v1.docx

. The August 1986 total was associated with ex-hurricane Charley, but all the others are associated with large-scale autumn or winter low pressure systems – with six of these ten events occurring in October. For the climate district of the Midlands the 3-day total of 67.2mm from 18 to 20 October 2023

Seasonal forecasts and climate drivers resources

rainfall moves further eastward over the western Pacific, eventually dying out in the central Pacific.  The next MJO cycle begins.  Global weather impacts UK weather impacts The MJO creates favourable conditions for tropical cyclone activity, including Atlantic hurricanes.  The enhanced rainfall phase


.................................................................................................................. 46 11. Hurricane Gonzalo and its Extratropical Transition to a Strong European Storm............................51 12. Extreme Fall 2014 Precipitation in the Cévennes Mountains


and rainfall intensity 30 Heavy Rainfall 33 Snow 35 Sunshine 36 Wind 40 Mean sea level pressure 42 Relative Humidity 43 Sea Level 44 Significant Weather Events in 2014 46 Winter storms 2013/14 46 Ex-hurricane Bertha 10 to 11 August 2014 46 Warmest Halloween on record 46 Annex 1: Datasets 47 Monthly

Ocotober 2015 Minutes

hurricane Joaquin in order to accurately convey the uncertainty surrounding the possible storm track. Members of the PWSCG had noted in the media that they saw there was a clear explanation of the probability surrounding the possible storm track which they felt was a positive outcome. The MO blog

Observed and forecast tracks: northern hemisphere 2013

of Manuel into a hurricane after its first landfall well. Narda (14E) 06-10 October 55 knots Narda was relatively short-lived and only a few forecasts were verified. Octave (15E) 13-15 October 55 knots Octave was a fairly brief storm. The model tended to weaken the storm too rapidly. Priscilla (16E


and communicate the impact on people and systems. These are numbered scales analogous to those used to describe hurricanes or earthquakes. They describe the level of disturbance and possible impacts for three types of space weather, radio blackouts (R scale), geomagnetic storms (G scale) and solar radiation


it — and in the first page of his 1807 diary he produced second and much more recognisable scale with 12 forces ending in hurricane and descriptions of how each would affect a standard Man of War (a Royal Naval Frigate). Today this would be termed an impact scale. Beaufort letters are less well known but were in use


, N J, Fereday, D, Murphy, J M, Pohlmann, H and Scaife, A A (2010). Skilful multi-year predictions of Atlantic hurricane frequency. Nature Geoscience, 3, 846-849, doi:10.1038/ngeo1004 3 See Research News ‘Decadal Forecasting - What is it and what does it tell us?’ for further information

Microsoft Word - PWSCG Minutes - 10th Oct 2019 - FINAL (1)

will be an evolution of the current system. A Beta trial for Hazard Manager will be released in November including mobile access. The group were also given an update on the international support MO had provided for events such as hurricane Dorian. Storm naming The group were updated on the latest developments

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