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Climate change shifting UK’s high-impact weather

.   As well as causing future impacts, human-induced climate change has already influenced extreme weather in the UK. Research has shown climate change made the 2018 record-breaking UK summer temperatures about 30 times more likely than it would be naturally. Additionally, a separate study found

UK Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP)

sustainably develop their weather and climate services so that people can stay safe and thrive. Learn more about our VCP work in our datasheet. Our work under VCP includes a range of project areas, some of which are outlined below. Weather observations Records of the global climate are essential

Microsoft Word - 2019_007_july_heatwave.docx

, where 36.3 °C was recorded at Cranwell, setting a new record for the climate district of England E & NE. The panel of maps below show daily maximum temperatures from 22 to 26 July 2019, indicating the duration and spatial extent of the heatwave. Temperatures exceeded 30 °C widely across much central


Chance of summer heatwaves now thirty times more likely

Human-induced climate change has made the 2018 record-breaking UK summer temperatures about 30 times more likely than it would be naturally, the Met Office will say at CoP24 - in Poland – later today (6 December 2018).

Professor Peter Stott is a world-leading expert on climate attribution based at the Met Office and the University of Exeter in the UK. He said: “Our provisional study compared computer models based on today’s climate with those of the natural climate we would have had without human-induced

Summer resources for journalists

anticyclones which can bring long spells of warm weather and create heatwave conditions. The summer heatwave of 2022 was unprecedented and marked a milestone in UK climate history with 40°C being recorded for the first time in the UK and new national records set in Wales, Scotland and England


or international framework for climate services. Consider if this is relevant to your service (e.g., references [20] and [21]). 6. Summarise the findings or outcomes as specific actions to implement. Record any concrete actions under this strategy element in the corresponding table row in the worksheet (3


. The availability of station data records across the UK has changed considerably over time. In order to produce spatially complete and homogenous national climate monitoring the station climate records are interpolated onto a uniform grid to produce gridded daily and monthly climate datasets along with reference


Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes reports Africa recorded 1,695 weather, water and climate related disasters, resulting in 731,747 lives lost and US$ 38.5 billion economic losses, from 1970 to 2019. The Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER


currents. This variability has meant that the UK have had a very long fascination with the weather, and have been systematically observing and measuring it for centuries. The Met Office maintain historical observational climate data records from the 17th Century onwards, and a national network


Europe experiences warmest year on record in 2020

The latest edition in an annual series of global climate reports shows that Europe experienced its warmest year in 2020 by a considerable amount.

the wealth of evidence of sustained climate change with long-term trends and record or near-record values across our climate system is growing and it is becoming abundantly clear that these historically unusual values of water vapour, relative humidity, evaporation, soil moisture, drought, extreme

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