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Probabilistic Turbulence Data At present WAFS data sets includes a deterministic turbulence severity field which uses the Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG) algorithms developed by the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in the United States. This field is created by blending (harmonising


organisations and potential future funding arrangements for scientific research. The Board also noted the role of ECMWF and the future of the Copernicus and other programmes in the light of EU departure. • Nick Jobling (Chief Financial Officer) presented the Finance Report. The Board discussed the impact


No Likelihood Gales Severe chill effect Poor visibility No Likelihood Low Likelihood Medium Likelihood Thunderstorms Heavy persistent rain Strong sunlight No Likelihood Low Likelihood No Likelihood Weather and chance of precipitation at 800m Time 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Light rain Light rain

Ozone layer

What is ozone? Ozone is a molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms, giving it the chemical formula O3. This contrasts with the oxygen in the air we breathe, which is made up of molecules with two atoms, O2. Ozone forms naturally when oxygen molecules absorb certain kinds of ultraviolet light


How UV can affect your eyes

significantly increases the risk of developing cataracts, a clouding of the eyes lens and the leading cause of blindness in the world. UK unaware of health risks According to the Eyecare Trust our eyes are 10 times more sensitive to UV light than our skin but children’s eyes face an even greater risk of UV

NCIC Monthly Summary

were the likely cause of various power outages across Devon and Cornwall on the 18th, and later that day the First Light Festival at Lowestoft (Suffolk) was temporarily suspended due to torrential downpours and frequent lightning. The closing days of the month saw several localised incidences

New marine surface humidity climate monitoring product

The Met Office, in collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre, have produced a new climate monitoring dataset for surface humidity over oceans. The dataset is called HadISDH.marine which stands for the Met Office Hadley Centre Intergrated Surface Dataset of Humidity for the marine

NCIC Monthly Summary

of the south on the 14th again persisted in places until late morning, then the south was sunny but other areas remained cloudy, with rain in the far north by dusk. The 15th saw showers on the east coast, sunshine across the north, and cloud for central and southern parts with patchy light rain

What does this forecast mean?

Partly cloudy (night) Sunny intervals Mist Fog Cloudy Overcast Light rain shower (night) Light rain shower (day) Drizzle Light rain Heavy rain shower (night) Heavy rain shower (day) Heavy rain Sleet shower (night) Sleet shower (day) Sleet Hail shower (night) Hail shower (day) Hail Light snow shower


involved. o The recent 5 major weather warnings, which had all been assessed as excellent. o The publication of the second stage of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which had a significant contribution from the Hadley Centre. o The relatively limited impact of recent higher levels of COVID19

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